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  1. D

    Shed base

    Would hiring a wacker plate be the right thing to as well as using sharp sand to fill in the gaps/deviations?
  2. D

    Shed base

    Thanks for the replay, I was hiring a whacker plate this weekend to make sure it was nice and compacted and was told this should be sufficient for the plastic interlocking base panels....hoping this will be the case and as for the retainer I was thinking something along those lines just wanted...
  3. D

    Shed base

    Hi guys and gals I am having a 14ftx8ftshed being delivered in four weeks and have started prepwork. I am using an interlocking plastic base and have had to shift some soil from one side of the garden to the other end to level it out which has meant there is an extra 6 inches or so of soil...
  4. D

    New radiator

    Thanks for the reply I'll give it a go. The valve does have two stamped arrows on it indicating a two way set up but reading back through previous threads people still seem to prefer using the feed side. Thanks again Dave
  5. D

    New radiator

    I have just replaced an old single rad with a double. Whilst installing it I fitted a trv to the return side of the rad which is a Regis valve from B&Q. I have refilled the boiler(combi) and bled all the other rads. Now when the heating comes on in the morning I can hear the new rad gurgling for...
  6. D

    Rad clearance

    Cheers guys I think its going to have to go elsewhere in the room as moving the sofa more than a foot is not really feasable... Thanks for the replies
  7. D

    Rad clearance

    :) Unfortunately not and only a few months old.
  8. D

    Rad clearance

    Having a radiator installed behind a leather sofa, what sort of gap should I be leaving between the two. Thanks in advance David
  9. D

    Ceiling mould

    Hi guys, We have a persistant problem with mould on the celing and wall of our bedroom. I had a guy come out to check for leaks in the roof and all seemed fine so he guessed at condensation being the problem. It was mainly a problem in the earlier part of the year when it was colder but it is...
  10. D

    Outdoor socket

    Thanks for the reply. I usually ere on the side of caution so I'll get a pro in thanks again
  11. D

    Outdoor socket

    I wish to run an outdoor socket right behind an indoor socket, I had an RCD consumer unit installed a few years back will this be sufficiant protection for the new socket. Also regulation wise is this sort of work OK for the home owner to do? Thanks Dave