boundary line

  1. B

    New build garages , overhanging drain pipes

    Why do new build developers build garage walls right on the property boundary line so that the gutter and drain pipes over hang onto the neighbours property? Assume they’re all compliant with building regs but does it not cause issues if any maintenance needs doing to the wall, gutter or drains...
  2. M

    Neighbour not happy about drip edge over boundary line

    Hello fellow DIYers, My architects have finished creating the building control drawings for a renovation of my mid-terrace property. One of the details show the coping stone over the side parapet wall for a new single-storey rear extension will cross the boundary due to its drip edge. I have...
  3. CatherineT1992

    Neighbour crossing boundary!

    Hi everyone! Just after some advice. My neighbour has a lean to that is supported by and crosses my fence area! Prior to the pandemic, I have approached him and asked him nicely to remove it, I have explained that the runoff from the side of the house in particularly wet weather is leaving...
  4. C

    Fencing off side garden of corner plot

    Hi all, My house is on a corner plot and i have a piece of grass on my side garden which is wasted and not used. I currently have a 6ft fence around the side of the house which i would like to extend over the grass in my side garden so that it can be used as part of my private garden. I've...
  5. M

    Garden Property Boundary Registration & Fencing

    Good Evening, Was hoping you could help me please, I have been a homeowner of my property for 25 years, Mortgage paid off and I have my title deeds ownership of the home. We had a back garden extension built 7 years ago, though, before this, we had a wall and wire fencing which partitioned both...
  6. Q

    Brickwork and small gap between mine and neighbours extension

    HI All Looking for some advice. The neighbour has built a single storey extension and now there is a gap of approx a foot between the 2 external walls. Ours is brickwork - hers is I think is breeze block rendered with a coating of black stuff about a foot high from the floor. My question is...
  7. D

    Are gutters and copping stones part of your boundary line

    I have just bought a small shop and we have shared pedestrian access to the drive outside the property with an easement on the drainage, we have had plans passed to install a new shop front and cladd the exterior walls with a thin 10mil insulation polystyrene to get rid of any imperfections and...