51 VW Golf fuse blowing problem.

a1topdog said:
AL-min said:
the car will need to be plugged into "VAGCOM" to identify the nature of the problem :cry:


I have VAGCOM and it is not picking up any faults !!

Which VAGCOM are you using? The earlier software will only pickup basic errors on the later vehicles!

secure spark, the reason you are being told this by a non vw dealer is because he will not have VAGCOM, the control unit will have to be set by this software as it is not a plug and play (so to speak). I would say that the reason that your interior circuit is blowing fuses is because that the CAN system uses common wiring sending different signals down that wire, as you control box has gone down its sending confusion into the circuit :cry:

pipme, yes it is all a bit of a rip off :cry: BUT its not the manufacturers fault. All cars built & sold in Europe have to comply to EOBD1/2 (European On Board Diagnostics).
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pipme said:
Get an comfy, oil burner

That, my friend, I have in the Czech Chariot.

My brother - i-l knows someone familiar with VW electronics and he found a fault on the passenger visor illuminatuion - it was shorting to earth. Everything now hunky dory. So the geezer (can't remember screen name) who had the same problem with his Octavia may look into it - although I'm not aware that Skodas have illminated visors - does the L & K model have them? I know my Elegance doesn't.
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