Antivaxxers raid testing site

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I was chatting to an A&E doc at the weekend, he was saying 60% of those coming in with Covid were un-vaxxed, which when you take account of the fact that the vaccinated account for more than 3/4 of the population, aligns with the manufacturers claims. He said all the un-vaxxed were either mis-informed "its just a cold" or anti-vaxxers. Most changed their tune and asked for the vaccine, though it can't be given once you have Covid. But he said a small number where even more determined not to get the Jab, despite needing hospital care, even when told they could get it again. The anti-viral covid pill, is available for anyone who is PCR positive, unable to have the vaccine and vulnerable, its not routinely being given to those who were eligible but chose not to have it.
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Any examples?
Andy only believes the stories, he doesn't have the intellectual capability to write them!

An example: Jules Verne's time machine. Just think if it was real, we could send Andy back to the 19th century where he'd fit right in.
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but think of the damage he could cause to evolution before we were born......better send him forward to the 23rd century.
Naah, that wouldn't work, they'd send him straight back, 'return to sender'. And they'd make us pay for the postage!
I was chatting to an A&E doc at the weekend, he was saying 60% of those coming in with Covid were un-vaxxed, which when you take account of the fact that the vaccinated account for more than 3/4 of the population, aligns with the manufacturers claims. He said all the un-vaxxed were either mis-informed "its just a cold" or anti-vaxxers. Most changed their tune and asked for the vaccine, though it can't be given once you have Covid. But he said a small number where even more determined not to get the Jab, despite needing hospital care, even when told they could get it again. The anti-viral covid pill, is available for anyone who is PCR positive, unable to have the vaccine and vulnerable, its not routinely being given to those who were eligible but chose not to have it.

I realise this is anecdotal but it certainly fits with the main stream media.

Yes the vaccine is far from perfect, but nevertheless it is an amazing achievement.

It is a real shame a significant minority don’t trust the vaccine and are therefore increasing their risk.
I realise this is anecdotal but it certainly fits with the main stream media.

Yes the vaccine is far from perfect, but nevertheless it is an amazing achievement.

It is a real shame a significant minority don’t trust the vaccine and are therefore increasing their risk.

Their risk

And our expense

And the nation's infections

And the health system's workload
COVID isn't going to go away.
It will eventually catch up with all the antivaxxers. They might dodge it's affects the first few times, but as the virus evolves to become more efficient, they just grow older and weaker ...
The anti-viral covid pill, is available for anyone who is PCR positive, unable to have the vaccine and vulnerable, its not routinely being given to those who wer
Tiny correction: even if you are vaccinated you may be eligible. I'm triple vaccinated and am eligible. The relevant people are supposed to be being sent a PCR test kit to keep so they can do their test quickly and get on the pills as quickly as possible. You should have received the pack by the 12th if you're eligible.
COVID isn't going to go away.
It will eventually catch up with all the antivaxxers. They might dodge it's affects the first few times, but as the virus evolves to become more efficient, they just grow older and weaker ...

that’s if they haven’t already drowned in bullsh1t
Tiny correction: even if you are vaccinated you may be eligible. I'm triple vaccinated and am eligible. The relevant people are supposed to be being sent a PCR test kit to keep so they can do their test quickly and get on the pills as quickly as possible. You should have received the pack by the 12th if you're eligible.
Congratulations, a contribution. Without being an objectionable ......

Part of the equation is that eg molnupravir is costly - one published price was $700.
COnspiracists will love it , expect " it changes your DNA, you know!"

There's optimism that drug co's will develop more cheap good ones perhaps as variant-specific supplements to vaccines.
I well remember H1N1 (Swine flu) because my wife was ill with it . Tamiflu worked very well for her. Cost was around £30 a course. I didn't catch it. A lot of critical press articles for various reasons at the time, though.
There's a mass of co's trying to make progress, esp in the U$$A. Some of the mechanisms need improving. Rather a lot of rabbit and mouse spleens involved at the moment for things like monoclonal antibodies ( which mass-copy virus-specific natural antibodies) so they cost a fortune.
This could be a very different picture in a year or two.
Maybe we'll have a pill to treat the common cold. Hmmm.
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