Antivaxxers raid testing site

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I do wonder at the behaviour of that woman, The camera panned away from her and down to a box of vac_tubes before panning back to her. I could be mistaken but to me that looked like the camera (wo)man was giving her instructions as to what to do next. Was (is) she a vulnerable person groomed by agitators ?

vulnerable ?? dunno

but def a fruit cake :)
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That's how they always please when caught - say they were vulnerable and tricked into acting on false beliefs, so sorry, will not do again ...

They never just admit they love causing chaos for kicks.
It is crazy that they took videos and shared them on social media. Just shows how deluded they are.
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billions of vaccinations have been given to people who have made that same freedom choice

Those who have taken the vaccines haven't done so out of free choice - they have been subtly pressured into it by the government.

... they love causing chaos for kicks.

That's true. There are people who tag along to protests in order to cause trouble. "Rentamob" as they used to be known. They give whatever the protest is about a bad name.
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That's true. There are people who tag along to protests in order to cause trouble. "Rentamob" as they used to be known.
Then there are people who exploit every opportunity to promote hatred against foreigners. "Racists" we still call them.
There is a causative link between flu and dementia. The disease, not the jab.
(Also between covid and dementia? Dunno, time will tell.)
So get that jab too.
Oh dear, too late for some......... they're already nuts.
There is a causative link between flu and dementia. The disease, not the jab.
(Also between covid and dementia? Dunno, time will tell.)
So get that jab too.
Oh dear, too late for some......... they're already nuts.
I understand that it is repeated flu' jabs (more than 6) that reduces the risk of dementia?
Repeated receipt of influenza vaccinations, compared to remaining unvaccinated, is associated with lower risk for dementia.

Getting vaccinated to protect against pneumonia and flu may offer an unexpected benefit -- a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.
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