Are they trying to dumb us down?

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
I can't remember when was it saturday night put the TV on, fcks sake, it was a choice of Masked Singer on one side and equally brain dead tv across normal channels.

Even during the day, today i thought id try and watch something of interest whilst waiting for room service, but no, it was some bargain thing, Kirsty's brain dead tv on channel4 Desperate Women or whatever and or Sky News Dramatise anything and everything.

I remember when i was a lad we had open university and school and childrens programs most of them including sesame street you could actually learn something.

I am partial to the odd tiktok perusal and many of my people i follow there are educational, one is a chippy cutting angles for roofing, something ive always admired, each short transmission has been fantastic on how he cuts his angles, tips shortcuts etc.

Now considering how many people are out of work, why o why don't we have something like this available tv channels dedicated to it? We are in competition with the rest of the world, we pay more taxes than we ever have yet its never been so sh.t. (lets keep it from hammering Boris yes we know he's a bellend).

Any ideas why this is happening?
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It's for control!

This quote from 1953 never gets old:

‘School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually neglected, finally almost completely ignored. Life is immediate, the job counts, pleasure lies all about after work. Why learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, fitting nuts and bolts?’
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
I think all the educational stuff is on late at night or early in the morning. It's probably on iPlayer.

But now, why watch it on TV when there's dedicated YouTube channels or Websites?

It's a bit like missing Teletext.
Yeah, I hardly watch traditional TV these days. I do "tune in" to the Last Leg on Friday nights, but that is about it really. Everything else is streamed. I do enjoy some random classic films in the afternoon at the weekend (if I can get away with it).
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The decline of anything and everything in modern Britain comes from, in order of influence (although each is a consequence of nos.1 and2):

1. The eradication of the Christian religion
2. The introduction of the welfare state
3. The decline of the institutions of marriage and the family
4. Foreign influences such as communism, islam and American television
5. Relaxation of law enforcement
6. Drugs
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Keep them dumbed down - focusing on their tv, phone, computer games (for adults FFS!!), bu11$h!t social media, super strength lager, etc, etc, etc - and they won't notice what's really going on or ask too many awkward questions.
George Orwell wrote 1984, a novel in which the "government" imposed screens, cameras and microphones in all homes.

The internet achieved that without the government having to lift a finger
Very rare we watch anything "live"usually recorded or streamed, got all the episodes of The Responder stacked up, recording England v Scotland tomorrow for later viewing, Saturday night is a dead loss
The decline of anything and everything in modern Britain comes from, in order of influence although each is a consequence of nos.1 and 2:

1. The eradication of the Christian religion
2. The introduction of the welfare state
3. The decline of the institutions of marriage and the family
4. Foreign influences such as communism, islam and American television
5. Relaxation of law enforcement
6. Drugs

hey Andy, if you had an injury that suddenly meant you could no longer work, you would be grateful for the welfare state.
hey Andy, if you had an injury that suddenly meant you could no longer work, you would be grateful for the welfare state.

Everything on Andy's list could be argued to do the opposite he suggests too.

Religion supresses thought, welfare state gives free education, women now educated and working, foreign influences extend knowledge, many revolutionary thinkers enjoyed drugs. No idea how police impact either though.
Everything on Andy's list could be argued to do the opposite he suggests too.

Religion supresses thought, welfare state gives free education, women now educated and working, foreign influences extend knowledge, many revolutionary thinkers enjoyed drugs. No idea how police impact either though.
Andy hasn't been happy since Cromwell died. Every since the despotic theocracy was overturned for the monarchy again it's all been down hill.
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