Barclays 6 BILLION

So there you are - it was all my fault.

Damn right, because on Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:23 pm....You posted this

**And before someone says "Oh yes we DO have financial instability!", what we actually have is merely some people who work in the financial sector who stand to lose a lot of money. The shame of it.

You failed us miserably by under estimating the severity of the problem, you owe us all £12,843.32.............. ;)
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years ago I worked for barclays, testing a lot of their gear.
I worked in east anglia, and developed a hatred of the area due to the travelling :mad:

so I visited norwich.

main bank in norwich is actually a clearing house.

so, its called bank plain.

top floor, there is a dining room and a cook.

the gorelay family have owned barclays for time in memorium.

anyway talking to her, apparently she specialised in doing school dinners.
Join the club WMS, My wifes small pension, which I paid out of hard earned self employed wages, dropped 34% in the month from estimate to actual payment.
Now this is a case deserving of sympathy.

I'm truly sorry malteron - some of it was all my fault. Partially.
so I visited norwich.

main bank in norwich is actually a clearing house.

so, its called bank plain...
Barclays hasn't been there for a fair few years: it's currently being converted into...erm...not sure actually. Probably a drop-in centre for bankers who are wanting their bonuses.
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I was pis***d they make 6 billion but loose me doing so.
They didn't lose your money - YOU lost your money.

The value of shares can go down as well as up. Don't pretend that you weren't warned, and don't come here bleating about money you can afford to lose when some people have lost, or are losing, or will lose, their jobs.

softus is it your main aim to be a complete ars* HOLE all the time or do you take a day off now and again. you talk about people loosing their jobs well think on, joe blogs TW*T here employs 15 of these people and trying to keep all gainfully employed. if you took the time to read and understand the post its not related to my financial gains or losses other than barclays make 6 Billion profit but loose their clients money whilst doing so. this is not the first time you have tried having a go at me, or other people in your superior wisdom of life. well I have advise for you, GET A LIFE. if you have any thing constructive to advise then feel free to post if not keep your pathetic opinions to your self.
sorry, you need to realise this is not a sympathy only forum.

its two way.

expose your soul and expect critisism.

sorry thats life :(
you talk about people loosing their jobs well think on, joe blogs TW*T here employs 15 of these people and trying to keep all gainfully employed.

if you took the time to read and understand the post its not related to my financial gains or losses
So you didn't write this then?

I receive statements on two ISAs we took out april before last. £14000.00 each two years worth, now down to just under £9000.00 each total loss of over £5000 each.
Or this?

I was pis***d they make 6 billion but loose me doing so.
this is not the first time you have tried having a go at me
Have you been an idiot on another topic then?

if you have any thing constructive to advise then feel free to post
Thanks, but I already felt completely free to post.

rant over.
Hm. It wasn't though, was it. ;)
softus is it your main aim to be a complete ars* HOLE all the time or do you take a day off now and again
His views may sometimes be viewed as controversial, but that is what stimulates a debate, whereas Breezer just talks b*llocks :LOL:

I know which one I'd rather have.
softus is it your main aim to be a complete ars* HOLE all the time or do you take a day off now and again
His views may sometimes be viewed as controversial, but that is what stimulates a debate, whereas Breezer just talks b*llocks :LOL:

I know which one I'd rather have.

OK so I used my losses as an example of how badly Barclay have performed . the main point is if Barclay take 14 K from all its clients turn it into 9k, when i was at school the missing amount was 5k add it all together 6 billion profit for bank no return for investor. not a lot of work involved for bank either,

So lets set the main point straight banks are failing their clients all around the world but still walking away with billions.( perhaps I should have bought Barclay shares instead, :LOL:
my entire post, for some unknown reason
OK so I used my losses as an example of how badley barclays have performed . the main point is if barclays take 14 K from all its clients turn it into 9k, when i was at school the missing ammount was 5k
Please would you explain how the £5k drop in value of your investment has been turned into a profit for anyone, let alone for Barclays Bank.

add it all together 6 billion profit for bank no return for invester. not a lot of work involved for bank either,
Presumably you also think that banks makes enormous losses when the stock market is buoyant? :D

so lets set the main point straight banks are failing their clients all around the world
Please state one simple thing that your bank did, that you didn't expect, or one simple thing that your bank didn't do, that you did expect.

pheraps I should have bought barclays shares instead, :LOL:
Har de-har har. So which is it - serious, or funny?
Please excuse my ignorance of such things, but didn't Barclays shares fall on the announcement that they would only make 6 billion this year against last years 9 billion ?

Assuming I am right, which I appreciate is a long shot, surely Barclays shares would have done you no favours either?
so lets set the main point straight banks are failing their clients all around the world but still walking away with billions.( pheraps I should have bought barclays shares instead, :LOL:

Nope their share price has crashed 80% since you made your investment. You should have put it in a cash ISA where it would have earned probably 5% net during that period

I'm all for knocking the banks in the areas they have done wrong (and they have done plenty wrong on the risk side of things) but lets not forget man's natural greed for getting something for nothing. People who didn't understand what they are investing in have no real cause for complaint.
For what its worth Barclays in real terms have made a lot less than that headline £6b as that included some "profits" from the new operations they acquired in that year.

As Softus says there is a huge personal responsibility from individuals expecting something from nothing during the housing bubble. Now people are realising that it isn't sustainable in any shape or form. I don't however agree places like Tesco are the root cause of this. people want choice and perceived value for money and Tesco are a huge employer. its all about getting the balance right

For what its worth I am sorry you have lost money on something you didn't clearly understand the risks on and I hope it doesn't cause you too much financial hardship
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