Barristers striking

Hypothetical situation:

I'm a racist and a black person has been killed, I'm caught fleeing the scene with blood on my hands, I can't be convicted because the fact I'm a racist fleeing the scene with blood on my hands is 'circumstantial evidence'. I wasn't fleeing the scene, I was going back to Ireland to visit me mum, after a lengthy 'enhanced interrogation' it transpires I wasn't going back to Ireland to visit me mum, I was going back for the funeral of my best mate, also a racist, who being a daft bugger managed to blow himself up whilst in the process of trying to kill another black man.

The police catch me fleeing the scene with blood on my hands and apprehend me, they say 'you did it filllyboy'. 'no I didn't', so they give me a good slap. 'OK, I did do it'. I'm nicked.

Years later, after numerous appeals, my conviction is overturned because I only admitted to doing it because the police gave me a slap, not only that, the method used to determine that the blood on my hands was that of the black man who had been killed wasn't fool proof, it could have been someone elses blood, maybe even the blood of a white bloke.

The evidence is unreliable, the fact I was caught fleeing the scene fleeing the scene and my best mates routinely execute black people is simply 'circumstantial'.
... and someone else has admitted it and given details that showed they were involved to a reporter on the condition they were only named after their death.

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... and someone else has admitted it and given details that showed they were involved to a reporter on the condition they were only named after their death.


Only names of the dead ones who are in a weak position to verify it, not the names of the living ones, and hypothetically, who's to say only six were involved.
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