Batton Down The Hatches - England Going To RED ALERT

21 Jan 2022
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Classified as Top Secret
High probability that a large proportion may go into red alert re the massive storm Eunice
heading our way. Winds of 100mp predicted Thankfully for inland areas it will be lower about 70/80.

Check out your weather forecast and only go out tomorrow if you really have to.

To make it easier for you to check I've posted a link below - just type your postcode.

Take care friends
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No, only approx 70 mph gusts. But please be aware that a massive gust is all it takes to remove the roof from your flat.

I worked for a hospital for a while years ago and went to see people in the community so was allowed free parking in the car park - massive storm, old building, thick slates were blown off the roof and damaged cars around mine but I was lucky mine not hit. Thankfully no one at the hospital got hit by a slte, flying debris.
But please be aware that a massive gust is all it takes to remove the roof from your flat.
The storm of '87 removed one of my chimneys on my old house and deposited it on my neighbours roof. I slept right through it, only realised something had happened when I was driving to work-there seemed to be a lot of trees in the road. I suggest if you are worried that you should buy some stronger guy ropes.
LOL. Express weather reports. "Met Office warns homes could be CRUSHED "

I think they use the same headline for imminent asteroid impact, satellites falling from the sky and monster hailstones.

Yes, it will be a bit windy. Tie your trampoline down, and check the torches have batteries in case of power cut. Put the kettle on and wait it out.
Yes, it got serious by us. Once word got around the bridge club of Olivia deFontian-Jones' green being blown over, the schools closed, and the train network went into lock-down, and the shelves were stripped of pasta and toilet roll down at the Chavvy-Mart :mad: :cry:


Some of us survived the Hurricane
Years ago

we had no leccy for nearly 3 weeks

The powers that be never came around my house to see if I was

they never gave a **** :eek:

no compensation either :eek:

Southerners have been told to stay in and baton down the hatches northerners are putting on a light jumper
Southerners have been told to stay in and baton down the hatches northerners are putting on a light jumper

I hope that any poer cuts etc in London are fixed, majority fixed within a few hours as we are the heart of the nation and the world.

What went on in the north a couple of months ago no power for days and weeks in some cases is unacceptable when it comes to areas within the M25.
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