Buffoon Johnson, saviour of the EU.

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"It’s hard now to recall, but until quite recently many people thought Brexit would start a stampede out of the EU. After the British vote, Europhobe politicians Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders schemed to duplicate the result in France and the Netherlands.

In October 2016, Britain’s Daily Express newspaper chirruped: “Europe is in trouble as across the continent countries are gearing up to hold their own referendums on membership of the superstate.”"

But since then, the risk has all but vanished. That’s largely because we now know one thing about Brexit: it will be a failure, in the sense that it will make Britons’ lives worse. Brexit has saved the EU."

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" Brexit has converted many young Britons into fanatical Europhiles of a type that barely existed in the UK before. The EU has also acquired the perfect external enemy: Trump is even less popular in Europe than at home, so when he calls the EU a “foe”, he helps unite Europeans behind it."

"The vote for Brexit was in part an attempt to relive the emotional heights of Britain’s second world war. Fittingly, then, Brexit will probably end up re-enacting wartime Britain’s selfless rescue of continental Europe, only this time as farce. Johnson will go down in history as a European hero: the man who saved the EU at its moment of peril. One sacrifice was required to bury the whole issue of leaving Europe, and the UK happened to get there first."
"Most of the time, Brexit seems like the worst British comedy series ever: a robotic main character, sparring with a couple of stock British eccentrics; endless bureaucratic arguments; and almost no plot development. Yet this month, something finally happened: the British cabinet, gathered at prime minister Theresa May’s country house Chequers, ditched “hard Brexit”. This had been the fantasy (or “dream”, to use Boris Johnson’s word) that the UK would leave all European institutions and jet around the world signing amazing trade deals. After the cabinet’s decision, several senior Conservatives resigned. However, they don’t even have a majority within their party to revive hard Brexit, especially as their fantasy trade partner has just started an international trade war.

That leaves the UK with three options: 1. “Soft Brexit”, which means paying the EU to obey almost all its rules, accepting “the status of colony”, as Johnson says, and forgoing trade deals. 2. No-deal Brexit: crashing out of the EU, queues at the border, flights grounded, the Royal Air Force delivering food and medicines etc. 3. No Brexit. Whichever option the UK stumbles into, the final outcome is now clear: British humiliation. Brexiters will blame it on May and the EU, while Remainers will blame Brexit, but both will agree that it’s humiliation. Given that, you really have to love 19th-century sovereignty (or regard yourself as being outside the economy, which probably means retired) to keep supporting Brexit."
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" Brexit has converted many young Britons into fanatical Europhiles "

and as the post-retirement Quitling fanatics fade away, the whole sorry adventure will soon be lost in the mists of history and comedy.
nutter notch even tries to drag a Brexit thread off topic!

He must know about the approaching election.
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