C4 Dispatches - US Pharma want us to pay more for Drugs in any trade deal

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Channel 4 Dispatches on tonight 8pm- US Pharma will want the NHS to be part of any trade deal. In fact they have already had discussions with UK civil servants and the price of drugs has been discussed.

Comes as no surprise and yet Brexxers think it's a good idea to transition across to a US Healthcare system where people go bankrupt paying for simple procedures like Kidney Stone removals.

The US is where people who were shot by the Las Vegas shooter had to create GoFundME pages to pay for their hospital bills.


Brexit was the con of the century. Your kids will pay the price.

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Quitters are lapping it up...

They're 'taking back control' apparently...

And then handing it over to Satan!
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US Pharma will want the NHS to be part of any trade deal. In fact they have already had discussions with UK civil servants and the price of drugs has been discussed

Brexiteers mantra 'taking back control'

But their answer when pointing out the reality is: project fear and making assumptions.
Yes I watched it, it was sickening. Boris and his puppetmasters are doing their job - getting ready to raid the UK coffers.

If the scheming US rolls us over and gets its way (which they will) they estimate cost of many essential meds are set for a huge rise. Currently the cost for the NHS is around 18 billion pa but could/will rise to 45 billion which we will have very liittle control or say over. They are here now, spending huge sums, lobbying and having secret talks with our incompetent civil servants, laying the groundwork that will allow them to rape and cripple the British taxpayer. They don't give a ****.
Yes I watched it, it was sickening. Boris and his puppetmasters are doing their job - getting ready to raid the UK coffers.

If the scheming US rolls us over and gets its way (which they will) they estimate cost of many essential meds are set for a huge rise. Currently the cost for the NHS is around 18 billion pa but could/will rise to 45 billion which we will have very liittle control or say over. They are here now, spending huge sums, lobbying and having secret talks with our incompetent civil servants, laying the groundwork that will allow them to rape and cripple the British taxpayer. They don't give a ****.

Brexiteers will dismiss it as project fear.
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