Christianity isn't a religion of Peace - Home Office

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Home Office refuses Christian convert asylum by quoting Bible passages that 'prove Christianity is not peaceful'
Campaigners say case demonstrates 'distortion of logic' and 'reckless' approach to asylum seekers' lives

The Home Office has refused asylum to a Christian convert by quoting Bible passages which it says prove Christianity is not a peaceful religion.

The Iranian national, who claimed asylum in 2016, was told passages in the Bible were “inconsistent” with his claim to have converted to Christianity after discovering it was a “peaceful” faith.

The refusal letter from the department states the book of Revelations – the final book of the Bible – is “filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence”, and cites six excerpts from it.
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I am conflicted with this, I can see why the HO may have thought the Asylum Seeker was perhaps trying to use a weak argument to claim Asylum and I agree many religious texts have passages that are about violence but then that would assume that all followers of any faith know their religious texts and take their literal meaning - which is far from the truth.
The HO are just making up any old rubbish to fill in a gap on the form.

They just want to keep foreigners out.
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the number that met the criteria for entry.
I thought it was a fundamental principle that people's religious beliefs shall be respected.

Does the same apply to other religions?

Silly me.
I thought it was a fundamental principle that people's religious beliefs shall be respected.


I don't recall seeing that in the Bible.

It wasn't an English principle when the Jews of York were massacred, or Catholics hunted down and executed.

Although it is included in the European Convention on Human Rights (which Theresa wants to abolish in the UK, therefore it cannot be a fundamental principle in the UK).
54.There is a need to recognise the core issues that are at the heart of British values, and place them within an understanding of what it means to be a citizen of this country. Certain groups are failing to respect the autonomy of women, LGBT people, and the religious practices of other groups. This is against the values of British society. We recognise each individual as inherently worthy of respect. We have a duty to respect the dignity and autonomy of all people. The state has a duty to treat all its citizens with equal respect and concern. As residents of the UK we also have a duty to respect our fellow residents in the same way. A person has a right to this equality of respect whatever their wealth, race, social standing, gender, sexuality, abilities, caste, religion or belief.
54.There is a need to recognise the core issues that are at the heart of British values, and place them within an understanding of what it means to be a citizen of this country. Certain groups are failing to respect the autonomy of women, LGBT people, and the religious practices of other groups. This is against the values of British society. We recognise each individual as inherently worthy of respect. We have a duty to respect the dignity and autonomy of all people. The state has a duty to treat all its citizens with equal respect and concern. As residents of the UK we also have a duty to respect our fellow residents in the same way. A person has a right to this equality of respect whatever their wealth, race, social standing, gender, sexuality, abilities, caste, religion or belief.
There's a clue in there somewhere.
You either haven't found it yet, or are ignoring it.

Does this apply to asylum seekers? Are they citizens of this country?
I am conflicted with this, I can see why the HO may have thought the Asylum Seeker was perhaps trying to use a weak argument to claim Asylum and I agree many religious texts have passages that are about violence but then that would assume that all followers of any faith know their religious texts and take their literal meaning - which is far from the truth.
What I can see is more evidence that the HO is institutionally racist.
it says resident

"respect our fellow residents"
sadly Britain is not a country with Christian attitudes.

Just look at Tommy, andy, theresa and their kind.

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