Clampdown on unregistered schools:

12 Feb 2014
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United Kingdom
Clampdown on 'abusive' secret Muslim schools: Illegal madrassas to face prosecution after Ofsted warns children are at risk of radicalisation
  • Ofsted said it has uncovered unregistered Muslim faith schools which keep pupils in squalid conditions and teach a ‘narrow’ Islamic curriculum
  • Education watchdog found 15 such ‘hidden’ schools in the past year
  • Taskforce will be set up to investigate and prosecute such schools

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Liberal Version: :rolleyes:

The safety and wellbeing of children who attend unregistered schools are being put at risk from according to the chief inspector of schools.

People who had not been cleared to work with children have been found teaching pupils in "unhygienic and filthy" conditions as well as at locations with fire hazards.

Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw has been working to close down illegal, unregistered schools in the UK.

He wrote a letter to the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, which has been published by the Daily Mail: "This sends out an entirely wrong message of what the DFE perceives to be acceptable practice. Indeed, it could have the unintended consequence of encouraging others to open such schools."

He has called for an "urgent" review of the DFE's (Department for Education) protocols in order to stamp down illegal institutions.

Mr Wilshaw continued in his letter: "I remain concerned that the number of children being educated in unregistered schools in parts of the country is far higher than is currently known by local authorities or the DfE.

"Ofsted's work to ensure that all maintained and independent schools promote British values is being seriously undermined by the growth of these settings."

A DFE spokesman said: "Since 2010, we have taken robust steps to tackle unregistered schools and improve safeguarding and this includes being completely clear it is a criminal offence to operate an unregistered independent school.

"We agree with Ofsted that more needs to be done and will be strengthening our communications to potential providers.

"We are also introducing further powers to regulate settings which teach children intensively and to intervene and impose sanctions where there are safety or welfare concerns.

"We are pleased Ofsted has agreed to take forward these prosecutions and we look forward to immediate progress."
Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?

Not sure the problem is radicalisation, but the inculcation of narrow bigoted views such as misogyny and homophobia. The sooner these medieval places are shut down the better.
Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?

Not sure the problem is radicalisation,

Ofsted seem to think so. I guess they would know better than you being the experts and doing the investigating?

Ofsted Chief Inspector says "Children are at risk in these places and I think unless something is done to stem the increase of this unregistered provision we will see youngsters really, really, really at risk in our country of being abused and radicalised".
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Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?
I hear they were nominally part-time "tuition centres" for children registered as home-schooled.

You are entitled to educate your children at home if you wish, and you could also, for example, send them to a retired maths teacher for a few hours a week tuition to top up, or to Sunday school if you are a religionist. The number of top-up hours per week is limited, and anybody operating as a school has to be registered and is subject to standards and inspections (unless they are an Academy, which is a Tory wheeze to put schools outside local Authority control).

In the past, appalling abuse of children has been discovered, for example in schools run by some of the Catholic sects which also use religious indoctrination. I welcome the prevention of further abuse.
Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?

Not sure the problem is radicalisation,

Ofsted seem to think so. I guess they would know better than you being the experts and doing the investigating?

Ofsted Chief Inspector says "Children are at risk in these places and I think unless something is done to stem the increase of this unregistered provision we will see youngsters really, really, really at risk in our country of being abused and radicalised".

Then I won't argue with Ofsted, if that is their view. It is worrying.
Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?
I hear they were nominally part-time "tuition centres" for children registered as home-schooled.

You are entitled to educate your children at home if you wish, and you could also, for example, send them to a retired maths teacher for a few hours a week tuition to top up, or to Sunday school if you are a religionist. The number of top-up hours per week is limited, and anybody operating as a school has to be registered and is subject to standards and inspections (unless they are an Academy, which is a Tory wheeze to put schools outside local Authority control).

In the past, appalling abuse of children has been discovered, for example in schools run by some of the Catholic sects which also use religious indoctrination. I welcome the prevention of further abuse.

Yes, I assumed that full time schools would be inspected automatically. No doubt there are more than a few nutty sects that indoctrinate children.
Weren't these out of hours schools rather than full time?
I hear they were nominally part-time "tuition centres" for children registered as home-schooled.

You are entitled to educate your children at home if you wish, and you could also, for example, send them to a retired maths teacher for a few hours a week tuition to top up, or to Sunday school if you are a religionist. The number of top-up hours per week is limited, and anybody operating as a school has to be registered and is subject to standards and inspections (unless they are an Academy, which is a Tory wheeze to put schools outside local Authority control).

In the past, appalling abuse of children has been discovered, for example in schools run by some of the Catholic sects which also use religious indoctrination. I welcome the prevention of further abuse.

Yes, I assumed that full time schools would be inspected automatically. No doubt there are more than a few nutty sects that indoctrinate children.

You just can't bring yourself to say it, can you?

Radicalisation by those that are Muslim, that is the prime worry.

MUSLIM. That doesn't mean all Muslims just a few nutjobs.

I've never met someone so brainwashed as you, thank God.
Were IRA terrorists educated at sectarian schools?
Yes they were, why only mention one paramilitary organisation?but isn't the finger being pointed at Islam in the article?

Anyone who preaches violence has no place in society.
Yes, the Daily Mail is attacking Muslims.

When tastes change, they might attack Catholics (for the IRA), or Mormons (for Meadows Mountain), or Hindus (for Ahmedabad) or Anglicans (for Amritsar) or Jews (for Lydda)

Joe Stalin was educated at a Christian Orthodox Seminary.

Religion is a source of much evil.

It is foolish to talk as if this is a problem specific to any one religion.
I'm getting the feeling that someone on here is taking it for allah. They leap on at the first hint of negative press about the ROP (as if there would ever be anything positive - but I'm open to suggestions), immediately try to down-play and trivialise often quite serious and dangerous subjects - then predictably try to focus on something that happened in this country's past.

They want us to forget that there is only one religion whose intention is to attack us whenever it can. Anyone would think that 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo or Paris - to name a small selection, never happened.

Then, when you start hitting them with unfortunate facts that they can't counter without resorting to puerile insults, they cravenly hit the delete button.
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Yes, the Daily Mail is attacking Muslims.

When tastes change, they might attack Catholics (for the IRA), or Mormons (for Meadows Mountain).

Joe Stalin was educated at a Christian Orthodox Seminary.

Religion is a source of much evil.

It is foolish to talk as if this is a problem specific to any one religion.

I agree with you totally, it just seems that anyone mentioning Islam or Muslims is labelled Islamaphobic or racist.

The PC brigades bullying tactics.
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