Crocodile Tears - Heidi Allen MP

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Does she think her responsibility is divorced from her voting? She voted for this and now sheds tears. Sorry but they are insincere to say the least.

"He recounted the story of a man who had visited his last constituency surgery in Birkenhead on Friday, and a family who visited a nearby food bank.

He said: “For the first time ever, a gentleman rose after we’d spoken and I’d tried to convince him not to commit suicide.

“Such was the desperateness that he saw the future for himself. And I realised the hand that shook my hand was wet. He’d been crying and the hand that shook my hand was the hand that wiped away those tears.

Parliamentary monitoring website TheyWorkForYou, suggests that the South Cambridgeshire MP has “generally voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability”.

A closer examination shows that in June last year, Ms Allen voted for reductions in benefits for disabled and ill claimants who are deemed capable of work.
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A closer examination shows that in June last year, Ms Allen voted for reductions in benefits for disabled and ill claimants who are deemed capable of work.
There are different degrees of disability, & an awful lot of different jobs certain disabled people can do. The way the left make it out is that people in wheelchairs are expected to do hod carrying or other physical jobs. I have a friend who has over the years worked at different jobs, he had a hole in the heart as a child & was not expected to live. 60 years & several heart ops later he has got another job after being on benefits for about 2 years. All the time he was searching for work, they would find him jobs like loading/unloading lorries, which he cant do, call centre's - he has a speech impediment. He now works 16 hours a week at a supermarket, gets less money but is happier than he's been for a while as he has a purpose in life.
There are different degrees of disability, & an awful lot of different jobs certain disabled people can do. The way the left make it out is that people in wheelchairs are expected to do hod carrying or other physical jobs. I have a friend who has over the years worked at different jobs, he had a hole in the heart as a child & was not expected to live. 60 years & several heart ops later he has got another job after being on benefits for about 2 years. All the time he was searching for work, they would find him jobs like loading/unloading lorries, which he cant do, call centre's - he has a speech impediment. He now works 16 hours a week at a supermarket, gets less money but is happier than he's been for a while as he has a purpose in life.

Whats your point?

No one has objection to assessments its simply the assessments are done by ATOS, Capita and Maxima. The problem is that these companies have shown to continually get things wrong and that they have cost more than they have saved. It's ideological mentality that gives them these contracts. Assessments should be done by the government and not private companies - it will cost less and be fairer.
My point being that an awful lot of disabled people are able to do a job of some description. There will be some who are unable to do anything but my mate felt better having a job he was able to do rather than be paid a bit more in benefits. These private companies need to be got rid of, will save money, but fairer?, I doubt it.
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My point being that an awful lot of disabled people are able to do a job of some description. There will be some who are unable to do anything but my mate felt better having a job he was able to do rather than be paid a bit more in benefits. These private companies need to be got rid of, will save money, but fairer?, I doubt it.

That's you friend and I hope him the best. But each person has different circumstances so they require fair individual assessments not based on some cooked up criteria. Six out of ten appeals are overturned in favour of the claimaint - so these PIP assessors are simply a huge waste of money. It will save money if its taken in house - as the incentives will be different. As to fairer - these companies work off a predetermined script and use assessors without specific knowledge of the disabilities.
The disability assessment model used by the likes of Atos and Maximus is basically fraudulent, it is based on a discredited model used by American "health" insurance company UNUM.
UNUM was fined 8 million dollars for using a disability assessment model which was found not fit for purpose.
UNUM has been in court in a number of other states for defrauding disability claiments, there disability assessment model was found to use a false definition of disability.
The assessor's used by UNUM who just like Atos ignored medical reports from claiments doctors and other professionals.
Fortunately for claiments in America unlike the UK the Yanks are more willing to bring in their lawyers who hit UNUM with class action lawsuits resulting in more millions being paid out.
These private companies used by the DWP should be subject to the same rules and regulations as all other in companies in that they should have a duty of care to their clients ,if by their incompetence or dishonesty cause the people they assess to suffer mental of physical harm then they should be held liable.
I know one bloke who is wheel chair bound, Atos sent for him to attend an assessment , the assessment centre was on the 3rd floor of an office block,the bloke claimed there was no wheel chair access ,Atos reported him for non attendance,he had his money stopped , the bloke sued Atos through the small claims court and won £3000.
The disability assessment model used by the likes of Atos and Maximus is basically fraudulent, it is based on a discredited model used by American "health" insurance company UNUM.
UNUM was fined 8 million dollars for using a disability assessment model which was found not fit for purpose.
UNUM has been in court in a number of other states for defrauding disability claiments, there disability assessment model was found to use a false definition of disability.
The assessor's used by UNUM who just like Atos ignored medical reports from claiments doctors and other professionals.
Fortunately for claiments in America unlike the UK the Yanks are more willing to bring in their lawyers who hit UNUM with class action lawsuits resulting in more millions being paid out.
These private companies used by the DWP should be subject to the same rules and regulations as all other in companies in that they should have a duty of care to their clients ,if by their incompetence or dishonesty cause the people they assess to suffer mental of physical harm then they should be held liable.
I know one bloke who is wheel chair bound, Atos sent for him to attend an assessment , the assessment centre was on the 3rd floor of an office block,the bloke claimed there was no wheel chair access ,Atos reported him for non attendance,he had his money stopped , the bloke sued Atos through the small claims court and won £3000.

The weakest in our society are treated appallingly at times and that is by design.
An F.O.I. request has shown the DWP set a target of 80% of these WCA reports to be upheld during mandatory reconsiderations of disability appears that the DWP is colluding with these private contractors to disallow claims.
The non medical assessment model used by these contractors to "assess" a claiments functional capability for work should be scrapped as it is killing people.
In recent a case a man with terminal throat cancer and other serious health conditions was forced to go through one of these WCA examinations the so called "health professionals" report concluded that this man was fit for work, his benefits were stopped not surprisingly he was dead before his appeal could be heard.
An F.O.I. request has shown the DWP set a target of 80% of these WCA reports to be upheld during mandatory reconsiderations of disability appears that the DWP is colluding with these private contractors to disallow claims.
The non medical assessment model used by these contractors to "assess" a claiments functional capability for work should be scrapped as it is killing people.
In recent a case a man with terminal throat cancer and other serious health conditions was forced to go through one of these WCA examinations the so called "health professionals" report concluded that this man was fit for work, his benefits were stopped not surprisingly he was dead before his appeal could be heard.

There is another case on the Governments own website. A man who was on UC had his flat burgled. So he moved into his friends flat temporarily whilst his flat was being repaired. Both had their UC stopped as they were accused of co-habiting. They were then turfed out of their flats and had to live rough. They bought a tent and then the council accused them of being a couple and told them to move away or be fined. The man committed suicide.
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