"Doing a proper job"

15 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Cook Islands
Attention, meanwhile, turned on Tuesday to Farage’s own record while an MEP in the European parliament. As one observer pointed out on Twitter, it’s not exactly the scorecard of a star employee:

— Polina Ivanova (@Polina__Ivanova) June 28, 2016
Someone remind him of his attendance as MEP: 747th worst out of 751
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And Philip Bradburn is the leader of which party?

Ukip’s MEPs turn up to fewer voters in the European Parliament than any other party in Europe, according to new figures.
Researchers at VoteWatch Europe say Ukip’s representatives only participated in 62.3 per cent of votes in the European Parliament, by far the worst record of any party.
No other political party in all of the EU’s 28 countries had a participation rate below 70 per cent.
Britain’s Ukip is Europe’s laziest major political party. Between July 2014 and May 2015, its 23 MEPs have on average participated in only 62.29% of votes in the European parliament, according to data provided to the Guardian by VoteWatch Europe.
And yet, no other MEP has done so much for his country... Just goes to show how pointless the EU Parliament is.
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I'm sure there are plumbers who get paid and don't do the job they're paid for.

No doubt their buddies admire them for getting away with it.

Others despise them.
I'm sure there are plumbers who get paid and don't do the job they're paid for.

No doubt their buddies admire them for getting away with it.

Others despise them.
Whatever it is they pay you, you are over paid... Do you prefer to post here because very few notice your pointless ramblings? Perhaps you should ask management to give you and Himaginn for your own closed section so you can rant your Leftie Progressive nonsense in private and agree with each other all you like
Farage's job as an MEP is to support the interests of the UK in the EU... The majority clearly wanted to leave and to that end Farage has done his job very well in expressing the peoples wishes in the EU Parliament and to the UK Government... The man did his job, the results show that clearly.
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