Dont see this very often.

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
I finished work last night at 10pm. Driving home, I passed the site of an overturned lorry on a single carriageway main rural road. Around it were a set of road cones and temp traffic lights, about 200 yards worth, and about 5 large vehicles with spotlights etc shining everywhere. The actual lorry was in the grass verge, but i could see the need for the cones etc.

This morning, I passed the site again at 6:15 on my way back to work. Lights and cones still there. Lorry gone. Tractor clearing up the spilt load. Looked like lots of short pieces of black plastic pipe. Big skip at roadside.

Passed it again this evening, and everything was back to normal, grass verge re-seeded, and someone has laid a new bit of tarmac on the pavement!

What a great shame that things in this country dont always run this quickly and smoothly. A lot of companies could learn from this.

By comparison, several months ago, there was an overturned lorry further down the same road, on a roundabout, in a more urban area, and there are still a couple of cones around the damage to the kerb! :(
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I know what you mean. About 3 months ago someone torched my local speed camera :D

As the signs and the road marking were still there vehicle speed remained low. I don't ever recall seeing a car speeding in that area.

Yesterday a brand new shiny camera re-appeared. :( I know the local speeding partnership have sh1t loads of money, and I know they insert covert cameras into nearby hedges to cover damage to their cameras but I wonder how long this one will last.
Speaking of speed cameras, Doncaster council are sticking some more up. On my route to work. I pass 2 daily now. Now its gonna be 4. The posts are up already. :(
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