E U Court of Justice

As I wasnt here in 2018 it cant have been memory, can it?


But you saying that does show the real problem you have - it isnt a poor memory, its poor reasoning skills.

Given transams blindingly obvious racism/xenophobia/prejudice/bigotry, I reasoned that there was a good enough chance that at some time in the past he would have been sounding off about the burqa/niqaab/chador/hijab in an islamophobic way to make it worth a quick search.

And he had.

The hardest part was trying to second guess his bizarre spelling.
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As I wasnt here in 2018 it cant have been memory, can it?


But you saying that does show the real problem you have - it isnt a poor memory, its poor reasoning skills.

Given transams blindingly obvious racism/xenophobia/prejudice/bigotry, I reasoned that there was a good enough chance that at some time in the past he would have been sounding off about the burqa/niqaab/chador/hijab in an islamophobic way to make it worth a quick search.

And he had.

The hardest part was trying to second guess his bizarre spelling.

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