Eric Gill statue

That's what I found interesting about it, especially as the BBC have removed it from their front page so quickly.

Isn't it strange that AngleEyes thinks that he is the arbiter of what should be posted by other people and complains about subjects 'being done to death'?
Some posters think they are the arbiters of what the BBC consider to be newsworthy.
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The future possibility (or is it now reality) of others causing criminal damage to statues and features they don't like is a relevant question. The Eric Gill situation raises more nuances in itself but you also have to wonder if this bloke felt empowered by the Colston situation?
I think he is sickened by the fact the BBC has allowed this statue to remain in place. What happened to Mr Saville's tombstone. ? I would have smashed the statues willy off. It was easily in reach.
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Some posters think they are the arbiters of what the BBC consider to be newsworthy.
Pity, then, that the BBC cannot concentrate on news. Does what happens on "Corrie" or "Strictly" justify main news coverage when there are so many other, more newsworthy events happening all the time? And as a licence payers, don't people have a right to comment about the behaviour of the Beeb?
Surprised it's not been posted already... did anybody manage to glance at the story of the damage caused to the statue of Eric Gill at the BBC? It's of course nowhere to be found on any of the front pages now.

For those who don't know Eric was a monster to his children, sister, dog and he documented the proceedings. I won't go into detail... Somebody felt the need to spend four hours up there smashing away at the statue of him. The timing of this is great because of the recent court case where the weak judge deemed the vandals of the Edward Colston statue 'innocent'. That set a huge precedent and I'll be watching any more updates on this very closely. How are they going to treat this case so closely after the Colston case?

Personally I feel the statue should go (peacefully after a discussion over it) because he was actively performing illegal activities. Colston wasn't and had tenuous links to something which (thankfully now) was economically normal at the time.

To be fair, the jury acquitted the Bristol 4, despite direction from the judge to find on fact, not moral. and the case didn't set a precedent on criminal damage.
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