EU lose legal battle with Astra

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
No surprise there really.

EU LOSES legal battle with AstraZeneca (

The European Union today lost its legal action against AstraZeneca as a Belgian court ordered the drugs maker to deliver fewer vaccine doses than Brussels had demanded.

The bloc was suing for at least 120 million AstraZeneca doses by the end of June after it bitterly blamed Brexit Britain for its shortfall - despite leaders like Emmanuel Macron claiming the jab didn't work.

But a judge in Brussels ordered the Anglo-Swedish firm to deliver just 50 million doses by September 27, on top of the 30 million the firm had already provided in the first quarter - dealing yet another bloody nose to Ursula von der Leyen.

AstraZeneca hailed the judgment, saying it had already delivered more than 70 million doses to the EU - including the first quarter total - and would 'substantially exceed' the timetable set out by the judge.
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I haven't laughed so much since Dazzler claimed Arabs aren't allowed to vote in Israel.
Excellent news,

Let's see the excuses Bobby d captain nem etc come out with
So a national EU country court rules against the EU...

It again debunks the lies that the EU make all the laws/rules that brexiteers were squealing about!
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EU did not lose:

The ruling said that AstraZeneca may have committed a serious breach of the contract by reserving Oxford BioMedica's output for the British market.
However a final decision on this will be made in a second legal case.

"The court said in a statement that AstraZeneca must deliver 15 million doses by July 26, another 20 million by Aug. 23 and a further 15 million by Sept. 27, to reach a total of 50 million doses, which are in addition to 30 million that had been given to the EU when the legal case began.

Should it miss the deadlines in the ruling, AstraZeneca would face a penalty of "10 euros ($11.8) per dose not delivered"
So who's right on this, ones saying one thing the other another..

Edit: i should have opened the link before I posted and realised it was daily mail in the opening post..
In other news France and Germany have less lockdown restrictions than UK.

So UKs slightly earlier vaccine rollout gained nothing
Are you having a laugh.

UK still has amongst the highest deaths per 100,000 people in Europe and the world for Covid.

I think he meant lowered UK deaths rate, not lower than EU countries
Are you having a laugh.

UK still has amongst the highest deaths per 100,000 people in Europe and the world for Covid.

Again you jump in feet first.

You said............
So UKs slightly earlier vaccine rollout gained nothing

The earlier vaccine roll out reduced our daily death rate considerably, and saved many lives.
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