Exterior masonry gloss

7 Apr 2010
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United Kingdom
I need some exterior gloss masonry paint in black, it will be used for the coping stones of the garden walls and the plinth on the walls also, i can only seem to find exterior gloss paint for wood or metal, anyone offer me any help please, local painter said he would use Pliolite from johnstones but its a matt finish.?
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Bedec do a softer gloss paint, multi surface paint and dulux do a trade paint black gloss for masonry. Got a trade shop nearby? Prob best to go talk to them and see what they have.
Went to a Dulux trade shop earlier to order the Dulux exterior gloss masonry paint but the girl in the shop informed me that it was a new type of Dulux water based paint as all paint manufactures or moving to water based paint due to new regulations, is this correct?

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