Flat warm roof

13 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom
Please advice

Im making a new flat warm roof with firestone rubber membrane

Iv used 18mm decking, vapour barrier and 75mm kingspan, 6mm ply and then the rubber epdm.

My question is how do i secure the insulation and 6mm ply to the decking.

And once its secured around the sides you will be able to see the kingspan insulation. I want to fit a fascia around the perimeter want to kno how to secure fasia. Do i fasten a ply around the kingspan.

Any advice will be apreciated
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75mm thick hav been advised by building inspector

Is ther any special screws? Or glue?

Just worried if i over screw i might leave little ditches all over
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You would have been better of replacing the 6mm ply with 18mm osb 3 t&g boards, these wont dip when screwing.
Fit 75mm x 50mm timber around all edges.

Use, Insofast flat roof fixings, lengths up to 200mm, can be hammered in or driven in with an sds drill with appropriate adapter.

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