hello there,I have a Ford Focus Ghia Td Di V reg.
I was driving and the engine suddenly stopped.
I took it to a mechanic and he said that it was the timing belt.
When he checked it he said that the timing belt is there,
so he opened the engine and said it might be that the timing belt jumped.
So he changed the valves and put every thing back.
but the car wouldn't start.
we called RAC and RAC said that the diesel was coming with low pressure.
We booked the car with the ford dealer.
Ford diagnosed the problem as being a diesel pump problem.
It would cost me £1500 to get it fixed there, which wasn't worth it.
Therefore I paid £225 for the diagnosis and i took my car out and went back to the same mechanic and he bought a second hand fuel pump and replaced it.
But the car wouldn't start. Because the immobiliser wouldn't go off.I have spent almost £850 and there has been no result.
i am just wondering if you can help me please?
1- when the diesel pump is changed do i need to recode the new second hand pump? Or I need to reset the ECU? 2- can it be done with OBD scanner and removed the fault? 3- If i disconnected negative battery lead and turn on light and other electrical thing on in order to empty the electricity in the system and put back the battery lead again would it reset the ECU or by doing this i would re cod other thing or possibly damage other thing?
I was driving and the engine suddenly stopped.
I took it to a mechanic and he said that it was the timing belt.
When he checked it he said that the timing belt is there,
so he opened the engine and said it might be that the timing belt jumped.
So he changed the valves and put every thing back.
but the car wouldn't start.
we called RAC and RAC said that the diesel was coming with low pressure.
We booked the car with the ford dealer.
Ford diagnosed the problem as being a diesel pump problem.
It would cost me £1500 to get it fixed there, which wasn't worth it.
Therefore I paid £225 for the diagnosis and i took my car out and went back to the same mechanic and he bought a second hand fuel pump and replaced it.
But the car wouldn't start. Because the immobiliser wouldn't go off.I have spent almost £850 and there has been no result.
i am just wondering if you can help me please?
1- when the diesel pump is changed do i need to recode the new second hand pump? Or I need to reset the ECU? 2- can it be done with OBD scanner and removed the fault? 3- If i disconnected negative battery lead and turn on light and other electrical thing on in order to empty the electricity in the system and put back the battery lead again would it reset the ECU or by doing this i would re cod other thing or possibly damage other thing?