"FREE" solar PV schemes- are they a rip off?

The biggest question I see about costing this is that the FIT's don't appear to be guaranteed and can be pulled at any time. (Please tell me if I'm wrong - but googling doesn't help me here, only that the german system is guaranteed 'up to 20 years')

Without the FIT the costings don't break even by my calcs based on 25 year life and conservative/realistic generation amounts. (My own house is unsuitable anyway - national park and very little south-facing roofage but I do have other buildings I could use)

If a company is willing to invest that heavily, either they're very speculative or they have some firm assurance FITs are here to stay. Would like to know which.
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I think you are correct about the payments not being guaranted, digdilem however I also recall recently an item on the early radio 4 news that spoke of payments in Germany being reduced as well , so not even guaranted over there either :cry:
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