Get Brexhit done

Regardless of that, we can’t go back, nobody can change their vote so we just have to get on with it. Whinging, whining and claiming you can’t get a tomato counts for absolutely nothing so it beats me why you lot keep bleating on about it.
We can and should be trying to repair the damaging aspects.
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They told us who we had to let into our country. That's my idea of them having control over us. I didn’t agree with that.
Nonsense, UK had control over its asylum process, which it has allowed to drift into obsolescence.
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…and the problem begins with those that accept it. My neighbour didn’t, the EU members did, thus driving the price down. So, the EU gangmasters were winning until they couldn’t get the modern slaves so easily.
More rubbish

What do you think the people smugglers are doing
No, the problem begins with employers that break the law.

And is compounded by public services failing to enforce it.
Doesn’t matter who's fault it is, it’s not the fault of the British worker. A lot better now but there’s still a few on this forum that would to prefer to see British workers undercut by imported foreign workers, forced to live in squalor to enable them to work for next to **** all. You're one of them.
Doesn’t matter who's fault it is, it’s not the fault of the British worker. A lot better now but there’s still a few on this forum that would to prefer to see British workers undercut by imported foreign workers, forced to live in squalor to enable them to work for next to **** all. You're one of them.
No. Most of us want laws applied.

Any actual examples of this non minimum wage claims ? Or just stuff you make up ?
Not as simple as it sounds. Breeders are not happy

Yes it is as simple as it sounds

Who cares about breeders as you know probably mostly tories :ROFLMAO:

As I also under stand vat was taken off sanitary products ?? Brexit ?? May be ???
"100 trips a year to London".

A lie
Show me somebody whose words you are quoting.
Posted when you were showing your location as 'Greenock'. Remember?

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