


I went in 1994.

Anyone else been, and what experiences did you have?

My whole weekend was amazing from the exposure (to the sun over the whole weekend) to the woman who was acid fuelled deciding to try the coach home I was in. She crashed it BTW.

Once finally arrested at membury services on the M4 she had fled the coach and was rolling naked down the embankments to the motorway.

The look on the old boys faces who had taken their ageing wives out was priceless. None of em dared to take piccies but boy were they happy!

Wives looked less amused though.
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Stopped going after 2003 having attended most since '87...

Always had a great time but IMO, after the big fence was erected, it became too 'sterile' and not really alternative enough anymore....of course, if the fence hadn't been put up the festival wouldn't have continued anyway - the 'invasion' of 2000 really caused some possible 'crush areas'!

We now go to smaller festivals such as Beautiful days, which although they're still not as diverse as the 'old glastonbury', are also not as OTT on the ticketing/security apects...

Two abiding memories (out of many)...

In 1989 I took my then very innocent g/f there (now wife) who had only been in the country for a few months...she wondered at the fact that it was (then) a quarter (now over half) of the population of her country (Iceland) in a field...When asked what she thought about the festival, she said it was brilliant - but she was puzzled as to why people were trying to sell her vegetables...various suggestions as to where to get the best carrots/peas/lettuce etc were voiced over that evening, until we finally explained ( ;) ) about 'mushrooms'.. :LOL:

In 2003 during a sunny day we were at the back of the pyramid field, and there was this slow moving ripple of laughter coming up the hill...looking for the source, we spotted a 'topless' guy walking up the hill. He was really sunburnt. However he had white 'hand marks' on his chest. We had to ask, and he told us that he had nodded off after getting p*ssed and his 'mates' had placed his hands there!
just read the bit on the bbc news about how they deal with the toilets, not so sterile! :LOL:
went once in the late 80's, seem to remember we all had a good time, can't remember what the weather was like so I guess it ws OK, can't remember who played either, so maybe they weren't so good !!
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Thermo said:
just read the bit on the bbc news about how they deal with the toilets, not so sterile! :LOL:
Yeah, but 'vets' use the 'long drops'...not so modern, but far more pleasant with their open air roofs..

The plastic 'turdis' is no fun from saturday onwards!
I went in 1971, it was then called the pilton pop festival, I'd just got out of the navy so my hair cut was not very groovy :eek: I met other Matlow we pitched out tents at the bottom of the hill and it rained and yes we ended up afloat! ironic!!

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