Hate Crime

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Active imagination there!
Notch7 is abolutely correct.
Yes, transgender people can be prevented from accessing single sex spaces, but not on some whim of any induivduals, nor on any general classification of spaces.
A specific space has to be specifically designated as a single sex space, with the provision of excluding transgenders entering or using the services, for genuine justifiable reasons.

Here's a guide for your perusal.
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Roy why don't you do a poll asking can someone who was born a Man now be a woman and see who agrees with you and who agrees with John.
Dunna be dauft, wee laddie.

You could all send a collectively signed letter to your local MPs. Something like this:

Dear Mr MP,
To who it mite may concerne
We the undersined have taken a pill pole between uss and we all agee that women dressed as men men dressed as women must not be a loud to use the toylets. Only women shuld be a loud to use the toylets.

And about the Utral lo emmmmissiojn zones ulez whatsit we dont agree neither and motorbiking thnks that the law should be changed to alow peepul to van-dulize the cameras
An the speed limit in whales shuld be set to whatever the rode conditions alow.
An hanging shuld be a loud annall.
An illegal peeple arriving by baot shuld be sent packing (or picking if their there needed)

you're sincity

ps their is more but there not here an others are arguing about the price of tomotoe source.
Im guessing you mean trans woman

theres no way of stopping a trans woman going into a female toilet or changing room -Id like to see you act as security guard stopping women you don’t think look feminine enough……you are likely to end up getting punched
Not true.

A man does not commit a crime by entering a female toilet. But that is not to say they have a right and cannot be asked to leave or be excluded. Trans activists would argue the equalities act protects them from exclusion it doesn’t.

A bloke in a frock is not a woman
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Not true.

A man does not commit a crime by entering a female toilet. But that is not to say they have a right and cannot be asked to leave or be excluded. Trans activists would argue the equalities act protects them from exclusion it doesn’t.
You are demonstrating your perverted view of the law again. A perverted view depending on your own prejudices.
They can be asked to leave, but unless the space has been designated as a single sex space, they have that right to simply refuse to leave.
Here's an official document for your perusal and education:
Notch7 is abolutely correct.
Yes, transgender people can be prevented from accessing single sex spaces, but not on some whim of any induivduals, nor on any general classification of spaces.
A specific space has to be specifically designated as a single sex space, with the provision of excluding transgenders entering or using the services, for genuine justifiable reasons.
Here's a guide for your perusal.
So motorbiking is correct then these perverts in frocks can't enter if the letter of the law is carried out on the grounds of trauma, decency, health and safety.
So in effect decent establishments will have these measures in place to keep out these perverts. It does provide an outlet for establishments with lesser morals on common decency to have a free for all in their bogs.
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So motorbiking is correct then these perverts in frocks can't enter if the letter of the law is carried out on the grounds of trauma, decency, health and safety.
So in effect decent establishments will have these measures in place to keep out these perverts. It does provide an outlet for establishments with lesser morals on common decency to have a free for all in their bogs.
Pretty much what I said from the start.

That and gender is just a title.
Like you say you fall asleep more times often than not reading Dazzlers posts.
I thought on this occasion I'd see what his link brought up, how more times has he been economical with the truth, as not many will read his links.
Surely it would be better if these establishments who want to have open season in their bogs to advertise the fact, rather than decent establishments going to the trouble of advertising they have standards the majority accept.
Trans activists would argue the equalities act protects them from exclusion it doesn’t.
The provided advice from the Equalities Commission is quite clear. The Equalities Act does protect them from whimsical decisions to question their right to use women's toilets. The single sex sapce needs to be "proportionate to achieving a legitimate aim".
There are circumstances where a lawfully-established separate or
single-sex service provider can prevent, limit or modify trans people’s
access to the service. This is allowed under the Act. However, limiting or
modifying access to, or excluding a trans person from, the separate or
single-sex service of the gender in which they present might be unlawful
if you cannot show such action is a proportionate means of achieving a
legitimate aim. This applies whether the person has a Gender
Recognition Certificate or not.

In addition, the guidance explicitly states that if you do have a designated single sex space, you also need to provide facilities for other genders, if your service caters for other genders., or provide information on where other genders can access that service.

The above quote is also provided for those hard of reading or lacking a concentration cycle of less than 5 minutes.
For those who have no inetrest, you're excused, and you don't need to state that you're not interested. :rolleyes:
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