Helicopter pilot saves RC plane

This site is so fookin funny.. if i'd posted the vid with the text "check these idiots out risking life for a plastic plane".... the responses would be like

"give over martian. get a life"!


"what's wrong when an experienced pilot wants a bit of fun?"...
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Bit like this FW idiot that you prefer to associate with...

Yesterday in front of King Harbor, and south of it too...FW doing orbits at around 10 feet agl over water, with 90 degree banks, at about 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile off shore...he/she did this for about 5 minutes...back up to 1200 feet, and contacted KTOA...

I know which one I would rather fly with.


Bleeding heck wolfie you are so gullible. Somebody really fooled you with that story.

Your hero wasn't just doing his job, the client told him not to go because his client knew more about aviation safety than your hero did. So your hero goes blundering into a building and burns somebody to death on the ground.

A nasty way to die.
Bit like this FW idiot that you prefer to associate with...

Yesterday in front of King Harbor, and south of it too...FW doing orbits at around 10 feet agl over water, with 90 degree banks, at about 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile off shore...he/she did this for about 5 minutes...back up to 1200 feet, and contacted KTOA...

I know which one I would rather fly with.


Bleeding heck wolfie you are so gullible. Somebody really fooled you with that story.

Your hero wasn't just doing his job, the client told him not to go because his client knew more about aviation safety than your hero did. So your hero goes blundering into a building and burns somebody to death on the ground.

A nasty way to die.

As I said not my hero - but that'd ruin your sensationalism wouldn't it? If he wasn't just doing his job what was he doing? Guess you decided not to wait for the AAIB report after all then?

Who says it was a story? How do you know I it wasn't me that witnessed it? The spam can pilots - just like you - cause so many problems out here because they don't have a clue what they are doing.

Notice no comment on the ANO or FAR - guess you are still studying them - assuming you actually know what they are of course? No that your reading skills or the ability to absorb and process anything seems to be very good.

Don't be daft wolfie. A light aircraft'spam can' cannot maintain 10ft AGL in a 90 degree bank. You would have witnessed a fatal crash, you made it up or got fooled by somebody else.

You claim to be a commercial pilot but your posting demonstrates ignorance of the fundamentals. I guess it's one of the features of anonymous bulletin boards, anybody can claim to be anything.
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Don't be daft wolfie. A light aircraft'spam can' cannot maintain 10ft AGL in a 90 degree bank. You would have witnessed a fatal crash, you made it up or got fooled by somebody else.

You claim to be a commercial pilot but your posting demonstrates ignorance of the fundamentals. I guess it's one of the features of anonymous bulletin boards, anybody can claim to be anything.

Well as I have only flown about 2 hours total time in spam can, as an instructor with the air training corps I have no idea or desire to know what they are capable of or not ( I am sure some of the aerobatic types could easily perform these maneuvers though). The fast jet pilot told me how to fly it from take off to landing - easily achieved even with a 15 knot crosswind - I have never been so bored in my life...

As posted in the previous thread (where you again showed a total misunderstanding of the rules, regulations, commercial operations, ATC, airspace, etc.), I offered to link to the Federal Aviation Administration website showing my qualifications as a commercially rated pilot - you chose to ignore this which would have proved to you that some of us are genuine and not hiding behind a keyboard. Unlike those who are nothing more than a Walter Mitty and offered a picture of the back of someones head as 'proof' you were a pilot!

If indeed you have anymore experience of flying than what you can find on Google or MS flightsim then get some passenger time in a proper RW commercial operation... or go back to flying your PC and let us pilots be glad that you are never going to be sharing our airspace.

Yeah Yeah Yeah wolfie, you must think I was born yesterday. The FAA pilots' database is public, I just put one of my non-pilot mate's name in there and got a hit. Put my surname in there and you get loads of people come up. You could give any name and we'd be none the wiser.

Sorry but I evaluate people on what they say and not what they claim to be. And you failed the 'understanding weather forecasts' and 'understanding simple aerodynamics' tests.

Your hero also failed the 'understanding weather forecast' test and ended up bumping into a building and burning to death some poor pedestrian on the ground.

But anyway, would you have gone and rescued that model aircraft or do you think it was 'careless and reckless' (From memory FAR 91.13 but I am sure you will google that)
Yes the database is public but as I stated happy to prove who I am, unlike a photograph of the back of someones head.

I am not sure where you evaluated me on weather forecasting or FIXED wing aerodynamics, however the FAA on 4 separate occasions and the RAF were satisfied that I meet the standards both to fly and teach both subjects.

Which part of NOT MY HERO are you too stupid to understand? Maybe you can ask Mummy to explain when she brings your toys or PS3?

No neither careless nor reckless - could have been done better yes and I would have ensured a proper crew briefing and discussed the risks, actions and potential outcome that would be taken in any equipment or crew failures (Google CRM), but as neither of us were there neither of us know what was said or the weather conditions at the time (of course as I am sure you would know hovering is easier and requires less power into wind). Helicopters are regularly hovered (YES REALLY!) IGE and OGE, trees are not structures, we often fly doors off operationally,the UK Rule 5 does not apply when taking off or landing.

No need to Google but rather refer to the FARAIM - more reliable and accurate source of the regulations. No reason to know every rule verbatim as long as you know where to reference it.

REAL flying happens - get used to it and maybe try it instead of trying to make yourself look like you know what you are talking about.

The fast jet pilot told me how to fly it from take off to landing - easily achieved even with a 15 knot crosswind - I have never been so bored in my life...

Well you have clearly never flown a Pitts S2. There is no such thing as a boring landing on one of them! And even one of those would not be able to maintain 10ft AGL in a 90 degree bank. Foolish to expect me to fall for your tall tale.

But in general I'd agree with you, after the initial thrill flying is boring. One makes more decisions and exhibits superior hand/eye coordination when driving across town than you do when flying across town. I'd hate to do it as a job, yawn yawn yawn.

In fact that's probably a massive contributing factor to your hero's poor decision making the day he fried that pedestrian. Bored with his job, needed a thrill, decided to go flying in conditions that were a bit risky. Well he certainly got his adrenaline rush that day.

Nope, the only way to fly is to do it as a hobby. Preferably in a tail-dragger and one which can do competition aerobatics. Piloting a helicopter is certainly more challenging than a spam-can, but once you have mastered the controls of a helicopter then it's just as tedious as any other non-aerobatic plane. Straight and level, boring holes in the sky, yawn yawn yawn.

Hey, you should try it one day !! LOL
Well it was clearly mental. The skipper had no idea what effect the downwash would have had on the wings on that plane. The wings are an airfoil and the plane could have flown off anywhere including into the rotors. Mental is the word.

But I'm getting boring again here.

Or maybe not.

No actually with five minutes reflection with a glass of port in my hand, the pilot was careless and reckless and could have killed his student.

I'm sure the pilot did know know what effect the "downwash" would have and from the video,absolutely nothing so it seems, he seemed pretty competent to me and hey no harm was done
Ps what makes you think the other pilot was his student?

I quite liked this one too that was linked from the same page, maybe fake though apparently

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