How to tell which type of supply?

10 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
How to tell which type of supply my house has?

It was installed 9 years ago(as house was newly built).

I have looked at the "For reference" thread, but as the incoming supply to my house goes directly into a sealed box, how can I ell if it is TN-C-S or just TN-S? :confused:

Many thanks for any advice given.

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its either TN-C-S or TN-S probablly TN-C-S but your right you can't know for sure without opening the cutout (which i don't reccomend) or possiblly taking some measurements (e.g. measure both PN and PE loop impedance and look to see if there is any difference).
I can't read what that label says, but given that it all looks fairly new and very neatly done, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a proper PME warning label if it were TN-C-S.....
Looks PME to me too.

I think that cut out is only used on TN-C-S.

Would be nice to read the green writing though.
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from the bits of the green writing i can make out it seems to be a warning to check bonding before connecting earth which would suggest PME.
As in the picture, it states


"Connect to common earth on customers installation only after insuring satisfactory cross bonding of services. Use 16mm2 earth cable"

Below is a picture of the boxes immediately to the left of the first picture.


IMO the likliest interpretation of that notice is that you have got TN-C-S.
That is a PME curout - only has a single brass neutral - (no split brass with a link).

Neatly done......Looks a pigs ear to me!

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