I Think...

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
...the next Government will be much better placed to run the country as there will be no more pilfering from the till (think unfulfilled PPE contracts, rejected asylum cruise ships and similar opportunities to "make money" the Tories have grasped).

Let's see how it goes.
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...the next Government will be much better placed to run the country as there will be no more pilfering from the till (think unfulfilled PPE contracts, rejected asylum cruise ships and similar opportunities to "make money" the Tories have grasped).

Let's see how it goes.

Whoever gets in, they'll find a way (to screw it up / screw us over).
...the next Government will be much better placed to run the country as there will be no more pilfering from the till (think unfulfilled PPE contracts, rejected asylum cruise ships and similar opportunities to "make money" the Tories have grasped).

Let's see how it goes.
None of them will ever top that warmonger socialist Blair for private income when leaving office.

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None of them will ever top that warmonger socialist Blair for private income when leaving office.

I agree that he was a liar regarding WMD's and was POTUS' poodle.

I went on a Blair protest march with my Dad, looking for the photo!

You're talking about Blair's income after he left office?

I was talking about corruption in office.
Are you saying it's OK for the Tories to rip us off to the tune of millions because of Mandleson?

And scale?

How much have individual Tory MPs etc been paid for products and services that have not materialised?
Don't all PMs seek to make money on the back of their time in office?

But not all PMs splash the (public's) cash.
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