I was the sole survivor of the Kingsmill massacre

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Watch the video and tell me you considered the Irish Border when you voted for Brexit and after hearing about the troubles you still want to vote for Brexit?


‘I was the sole survivor of the Kingsmill massacre. Ten of my friends were shot dead beside me.’ In 2016, UK political commentator Peter Oborne voted for Brexit. A vote he now regrets.
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I didn't consider the Irish border when voting Bexit but I'm afraid cowering down to the IRA is not reason to stay in the EU. Are you saying that's a reason for staying in - dont upset a terrorist organisation? It's a good job we didn't think that way in 1939 otherwise we would be saying 'Better give in to Germany - some of us might get killed if we decide we don't want to be ruled by them.'.
I didn't consider the Irish border when voting Bexit but I'm afraid cowering down to the IRA is not reason to stay in the EU. Are you saying that's a reason for staying in - dont upset a terrorist organisation? It's a good job we didn't think that way in 1939 otherwise we would be saying 'Better give in to Germany - some of us might get killed if we decide we don't want to be ruled by them.'.
You really don't have a clue do you...

It's not 'cowering down to the IRA', it's the UK ripping up a key part of the good friday agreement!

No wonder the intelligence of quitters is called into question!
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Watch the video and tell me you considered the Irish Border when you voted for Brexit and after hearing about the troubles you still want to vote for Brexit?


‘I was the sole survivor of the Kingsmill massacre. Ten of my friends were shot dead beside me.’ In 2016, UK political commentator Peter Oborne voted for Brexit. A vote he now regrets.
So keeping the IRA happy is paramount in your mind at the ballot box!?....VERY worrying.
dont upset a terrorist organisation

I haven't seen any group advocating that.

Perhaps you made it up.

However the Brexer position on hard borders is impossible. They want to stop free movement into the UK. So they must have a hard border with immigration control. They don't want to conform to EU standards. So there must be a hard border for goods.

So there must be a hard border between UK and EU. NI is in the UK, and RoI is in the EU. So (see above) there must be a hard border. But brexers don't want it. But they must have it. But they don't want it.

The is no solution to Brexer self-contradictory demands.

Buffoon says he's got one but he won't say what it is and has not sent negotiators over to propose it to the EU.

He doesn't actually believe it himself.
Certainly I can read.

I can also read the made-up nonsense that you and mottie spout.
Nothing made up...Irish border should have been top of agenda in brexit vote...to keeep IRA happy.
Watch the video and tell me you considered the Irish Border when you voted for Brexit and after hearing about the troubles you still want to vote for Brexit?
Oh no.....best not vote brexit...lets ask IRA what they want us to do first
silly dum has nothing sensible to say so he shovels on more meaningless nonsense.
Backfired big time that 1....again...back to drawing board remainers
Here is leavers logic:

EU require backstop as insurance.
Leavers say: we wont accept a backstop

EU say we insist on a backstop

Leavers say there is no need for a backstop we know of solutions

Heres the lack of logic: if leavers have a solution to the backstop, why do they refuse to accept a deal, after all with the solution that Leavers have for the backstop it will never be needed.

Perhaps Durhamplumber can explain the logic.
Here is leavers logic:

EU require backstop as insurance.
Leavers say: we wont accept a backstop

EU say we insist on a backstop

Leavers say there is no need for a backstop we know of solutions

Heres the lack of logic: if leavers have a solution to the backstop, why do they refuse to accept a deal, after all with the solution that Leavers have for the backstop it will never be needed.

Perhaps Durhamplumber can explain the logic.
Ask the IRA..you wish to keep them happy
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