Ideal Home Show



Good to know: Harveys Furniture are offering 2 for 1 tickets to the Ideal Home Show up until the end of February.

You can get them by following the instructions on the website: - enter the code at the checkout and Bob's your mother's brother.

Given my sometimes dubious taste in decor I'm definitely bringing someone along to sanity check my decisions! :)
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The Ideal Home Show is a complete waste of time and money in my opinion. There's nothing innovative any more, just all the products you would expect to see on a trading estate. Expensive to get in. Expensive to get to. No freebies. A billion pound for a sandwich and a cuppa.
. A billion pound for a sandwich and a cuppa.
hyperbole ;) But I do agree with the rest of your post - It used to be awesome ;) I went in the 60`s when we were in " The white heat of technology" ( H. Wilson ) and it was like Tomorrows World @ a building show
sorry LizHF, that's just my opinion. Hope you enjoy it and sort out the decor you want
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This is a very tired concept with stale 'ideas',, and has really been superseded by the 'Grand Designs' expo.

I'd not been to an Ideal Home exhibition for over 20 years, but did go a coupe of years back and it was dire, and a fraction of the size it use to be. An average shopping centre has much more to offer, and of course, they don't charge an entry fee..!!

Thanks for the notice Liz, and perhaps those that have never been before my enjoy it, but for us that can remember what it was once like,,, then it really is a no go area.
I went there for the first and only time a couple of years ago. Waste of time and money IMHO. The magazine is also disappointing. I think the self-build magazines are more informative.