IKEA Rengora dishwasher - not draining at end of cycle

24 Mar 2015
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United Kingdom
Hi, hoping for some suggestions,

Our dishwasher is not draining waste water at end of cycle, or not when needed!

It's a Rengora from Ikea, so an electrolux, and at the end of a cycle it has waste water in the bottom and beeps twice intermittently. The trouble shooting says that it means a drainage problem. Checked the filter and the hose so far, and seems from an internet search that it could likely be a blockage or ineffective impeller or drainage pump.

However before I dismantle and have a look at the pump, I'm not sure if it is these. The reason why is that at the start of the cycle the machine empties any water in the bottom of the machine, so surely that would say it isn't the usual suspect?

After disconnected the drain hose from the plumbing to check for blockages I placed the outlet in the sink to monitor a few wash cycles (it's normally connected to a washing machine inlet and was thinking of adding an air admittance vent as it sucks air from the sink when emptying) and on a wash cycle it
- runs prewash and empties water fine
- runs wash cycle might start to empty a bit but will stop and start beeping
- so does not get to the dry part.

If I then press reset and start a cycle it empties all the water fine (and just abort before it does a full wash)
If I press the on/off without opening the door it will empty, as have pulled the unit out a bit, but think this is same as restarting.

I can't seem to find anyone reporting similar, and wondered what it likely could be. Aiming to check the pump next weekend.
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Very odd as the pump seems to be working. Is it heating the water OK during the wash?
Hi, yes the wash cycle is hot, prewash cold.

There was no debris in the hose as my wife likes to prewash by hand (sort of defeats part of the object of having a dishwasher).

Would the height or length of the waste hose be an issue. Due to location it has a 2m extension on to get to the under sink connection.
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Been using it a while (4yrs) but just installed a new washing machine.
(Correction) This is a recent issue, though it occasionally happened, but now it's every wash cycle. The only recent thing is had to move the dishwasher out to install washer due to limited space, but no need to change connections.
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Opened it up. No blockages, drain pump looks fine and clean tested resistance anyway 243 ohms so about what is expected. There is a rubber seal to stop return which looked fine but washed with washing up liquid in case any residue.



The red tape was what I put on to identify which of the two blue wires went where, and this is after disconnected the drain hose.

Just wondering if there would be some sort of sensor check before final empty of rinse water that isn't done on the initial empty at the start.

The drain hose is 3m, I added on a 1m extension. In case it was that the 2M was on the floor before it went up to just under the worktop height for the access hole to under the sink I'm putting a loop at the back of the machine so that the drain hose goes up 70cm before travelling the distance to the sink.
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Still the same, unfortunately.

Strange thing is if I simply press the power button off and on again, for when it stops during the drain cycle of the main wash, it carries on where it left off, and completes the drain, though it may stop again several minutes later when the rinse tries to empty.
Try removing the pump motor, wiring up to mains (carefully) and switch it on and off. Perhaps sometimes it just fails to start? I have had that before with a washing machine pump...
Try removing the pump motor, wiring up to mains (carefully) and switch it on and off. Perhaps sometimes it just fails to start? I have had that before with a washing machine pump...
Thanks. How would you tell if that was the issue? Would it not always start?
Thanks. How would you tell if that was the issue? Would it not always start?

Yup - Wouldn't always start. Checked inside and the shaft was worn causing the impellor to become stuck intermittently

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