15 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi any help on this one is appreciated:
My Neff S51T69X2GB Dishwasher has started to not complete its wash cycle and i find it on 00 minutes with undrained hot water in the bottom not too long into a wash cycle (maybe 10-30 minutes in but is seems to vary). It did this once or twice before in the last couple of months and a reset or two got it working but today it does it on every wash cycle i try apart from the rinse program which fills rinses and empties without issues.

Ive checked the following:
Water inlet hose - no bits or blockages (but i cleaned the filter anyway)
Drain hose where it connects to the kitchen sink - not blocked
No kinks in drain or supply hoses
drain impeller and the small clip on filter - clear
Float switch at the bottom of the dishwasher behind the front cover at the bottom - dry and completely clean so no indication of current or historical leak
Water pressure seems normal and it fills fine

The only other odd thing ive seen is the salt resevoir was completely empty of salt (but full of water as normal) but the salt indicator hasnt come on. So i filled it up but the same issues happens.

I took off the side panel to watch the water distribution thing (the big square flat plastic container that looks a bit like a massive freezer ice pack on the side of the appliance):
At the start of a wash cycle this container is already almost full to the top with clean water, this empties into the appliance at the start of a cycle and it starts to wash but somewhere into the cycle i hear the drain pump run, the 'ice pack' looking container refills during this time and stops filling when it gets to the top more pump noises and then the uce pack fills some more but its already full so not sure where the top of the water in the ice pack is going but after about 10 seconds of this the dishwasher stops and beeps like its finished but on opening the timer is at zero and the bottom is full of water and seems steaming hot although that could just be the crockery steaming with latent heat.
Im pretty good at fixing all sorts of house appliances but this has completely stumped me !
Anyone got any suggestions???
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Thanks RandomGrinch, that does sound like a similar issue so ill run a few cycles consecutively to see if its a working but worn pump. Im also not sure if the fact that when the issue recurred the salt container was completely empty and maybe was a factor because after filling it up and trying a few cycles the machine has worked again albeit the dishes have very noticable white powder on them. Ill try a few things and post a summary on here when done in case it helps others.
The salt dissolves in the container leaving saline to recharge the softener.
The large plastic container on the side is the heat exchanger, it will be full of water at times getting a warm up.
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I did a few normal cycles and the issue didnt repeat. So i ordered a replacement reed switch just in case the issue came back and i have something to try. The white powder gradualky reduced but not completely back to normal so i expect its because the salt was completely empty and takes a few washes to return (the salt light never came on) after refilling, dont know how long it went without salt. Anyway today the machine now has displayed an E14 code (first time its done that) so i think the reed switch replacement when it arrives may help confirm. If it makes no difference then i will try disconnecting the heat sink water container and cleaning it as i can see some black stuff (i assume mould/gunk) in the area where it maked a clacking/gurgling sound sometimes just as the machine starts having a problem, i think this may be some sort of over flow causing that sound so maybe another sign the reed switch is failing?? Not sure how to clean onside the heatsync as it looks like a maze of sealed channels in the container but lets see when if i resort to disconnecting it. Anyway ill post an update once ive fitted the reed switch and see whether it helps or not.
So to update anyone reading this later, i fitted the replacement reed switch a couple of days ago and the problem hasnt re occurred. It was a simple job to lift up the flap on the water tank disconnect the wire and then carefully pop the part out as its only clipped in by some simple tiny plastic bits holding on the edge and then put the replacement in. The reed switch does not allow current to pass when in its default position ("open" by default) before fitting, just in case anyone is wondering. I got the spare part on ebay for 13 quid, ive attached a pic of what it looks like. You can search for it using NEFF REED SWITCH, some sellers (the one i bought from) also call it a contact flow meter. I also switched back to using liquid detergent instead of powder and that seems to have sorted the white powder on dishes problem


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I think it did RandomGrinch, thanks for help , links and quick responses. I was almost ready to start looking for a new one so for the sake of some patience and 13 quid its helped delay junking it for hopefully a few more good years.

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