Its a lie I dont believe anymore.

Yes, I'm afraid there continues to be an assumption in this country that if you have the temerity to suggest that immigration is a problem you must be a racist.

I'm sure that eventually everyone, even Limp Dems, will agree that there are too many immigrants in Britain. Unfortunately, it will be too late then if it is not already.

Personally, I'd welcome as many immigrants as want to come here provided:
1. they are an asset to the country; and
2. we could exchange them, on a one-for-one basis, for some of our criminals and dossers.
Great post mate. I would like to take it one step further. Everyone that lands in OUR country must, within a year, be able to speak English.
Anyone in OUR country, must try to get offf their Stella drinking, Jeremy Kyle watching backsides and go to work.

Yes, that would be no. 3.
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