Korean Nukes

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"South Korea’s state energy monopoly is in talks with the UK government about building a new nuclear power station off the coast of Wales"

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Here's a link not behind a pay wall.

So we don't have all the skills in-house to complete this sort of project ourselves? I'm not asking that in a sarcastic manner, genuinely asking.

Hitachi started building it, but after spending £2.1billion they threw in the towel

And sold the site, plus one other, to UK government for £160 million.

As far as I can see, the French and China also see it as not worth the candle.

It seems to be a vanity scheme where the cost is unknown, the business case does not stack up, and nobody wants to own the risk.

Our current government is nearly gone, so nobody should be spending much time and money on the scheme.
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So we don't have all the skills in-house to complete this sort of project ourselves? I'm not asking that in a sarcastic manner, genuinely asking.
This cropped up in ~Mr T's time. Build one to retain the ability while there are people around who can do it, All getting old.
Not really clear if Mrs T wanted to build one. I have seen suggestions she did but 0 in the news at the time. Just the ageing of people etc.
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