Logic 24 losing pressure

4 Sep 2014
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United Kingdom
Have an ideal logic 24 boiler, installed in 2011. over the past week its been losing pressure on a daily basis, upwards of a bar in pressure. there are no obvious leaks on the system, all rads bled and heat up fine and dhw works well. I would assume there would be an obvious leak losing that amount of pressure. I phoned a plumber who said this was a known fault and quoted upwards of £500 to repair. is this a boiler problem, and anyone know what this known issue is. I have done some testing, filled the system to 1.5bar yesterday and switched off heating whust we were out. I put a bag over the prv and the condensate pipe as I assumed as there is not a pool of water under the boiler these are the only other outlets. when we came back after 4hrs, the pressure was at 1bar and there was around 300mls of water in the bag under the condensate pipe. the prv was bone dry. anyone any ideas, as I dont want to start chucking cash at this if its not economically viable.
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If you are loosing water through condensate with boiler off. Then likely to be heat exchanger.

If the boiler has an annual service record, it could still be within warranty period.
Does the system lose pressure when left cold or just during operation? Top it up when cold and leave for several hours. If it drops and there is absolutely no water from the relief pipe, then you probably have a leak on the rad circuit. Does any of the pipework travel under the ground floor? Suspended or concrete? Have you had new floors/carpets laid recently? Any other work been done in the property recently?
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Thanks for the replys... it drops hot or cold, but its more noticeable during operation. There are no buried pipes, and no evidence of water leaks on the ceilings at all. checked around all rads hot and cold and cant see ant evidence of leaks. No work has been done recentky that woukd disturb heating system. Are there any other checks I can do. I will fill rad to 2bar today as we are going out, and see how much it drops. the releif valve was bone dry yesterday, with a bag over it. condensate pipe bag had water in it with system turned off
Go through procedure of pressurising system and isolating boiler from rest of pipework. If it drops then boiler leaking. If it drops dramatically when you open flow and return valves under boiler (reintroducing it back to rest of pipework) then leak is on rad system.

Edit: do this over several hours, not instantly!
main heat exchanger has pin holed as already advised by APOD might still be in Warranty call Ideal with serial number and they will tell you if it is or not and if it isnt ask for a fixed price repair will be your cheapest option
Phoned ideal, they were open till12 today..... Boiler only had a 2yr warranty. They offered a fixed price repair includes callout labour and parts for £275. seemed like a reasonable offer so its booked in. In your professional opinions is it cost effective to replace heating engine, and is it sonething that may happen again?
In your professional opinions is it cost effective to replace heating engine, and is it sonething that may happen again?

Chaos theory... anything that can happen...

Look to the manufacturer... if all they'll give is a 2 year warranty, this says a lot! On the flip side, how much does your average owner spend on their car each year, to keep it running?
My missus works in the office at my mates garage and she's amazed at what ppl are willing to spend on their old banger, even when strongly advised otherwise by the mechs!

£275 is less than a pound a day for something you use every day!
But there are no guarantees and you could end up with the domino effect!

If you have the money and are not confident in the product... change it for something you'll not be scowling at :)
Yes it will happen again due to down firing Ali heat exchanges they are weak, a bit like the glowworm flexicom, had same issues
Good luck
ok... Heatings been off for around 4hrs. It was topped up to just under 2bar. its now sat at just over a bar, heating stone cold. checked around all rads and all bone dry, pipework that I can see all dry, and no evidence of damp on ceilings. The bag around prv dry. Bag over condensate pipe had around 150ml of water in it.
From what you guys have said I am assuming this points to the heat exchanger leaking.

I appreciate all the advice, many thanks

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