Loujan al-Hathoul

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
A human right activist was detained at King Fahd international air port for 73 days. Amnessty international said she had no access to a lawyer & has not been allowed to contact her family.

And the reason for her detention was.

she defied the kingdoms de-facto driving ban on woman by attempting to drive from the united arab emirates into saudi arabia in 2014.

Samah Hadid amnesty international's middle east campaign director said

"It appears that she is being targeted ounce again because of her peaceful work as a human rights defender speaking out for womans rights , which are consistently trammelled (?) in Saudi"
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Oh Dear! Arse end has read something and either completely misunderstood it, or has decided to intentionally misrepresent it. Yet again!

Loujain al-Hathloul is a prominent Saudi Arabian human rights defender who was detained for 73 days after she defied the kingdom’s de facto driving ban for women by attempting to drive into Saudi Arabia from the United Arab Emirates on 30 November 2014
Yes she was arrested in 2014 for defying the driving ban for women. However even Amnesty International did not report any fine or any other form of penalty.

What do you think should happen to people who defy the local/regional or national laws?
What are you doing about local laws that you disagree with? Especially national laws in other countries that you disagree with?
I/we might disagree with the ban on women not being allowed to drive, but there may be more important concerns in our and other countries, such as poverty, starvation, wars, terrorism, etc.
But if your major concern is about women being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, I would suggest you are being a trifle disingenuous.

Now she has been re-arrested but we do not know why:
The exact reason for her arrest remains unknown, however Amnesty International believes it is in relation to her human rights activism.

So next time you want to moan about something, at least get your facts right. Otherwise it indicates that you are seriously prejudiced and being very disingenuous.
Its a brave person who speaks up for human rights in saudia arabia.
The banner wavers in the UK should be shipped out.
Its a brave person who speaks up for human rights in saudia arabia.
The banner wavers in the UK should be shipped out.
Are there any banner wavers in UK?
Perhaps it should be one of the new Tory anti-terror offences?
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A trammel is a net.

The term is almost invariably used figuratively. Cf "Untrammelled"
A trammel is a net.

The term is almost invariably used figuratively. Cf "Untrammelled"

hence the question mark after the word .

It was the exact word used in the article ?
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