Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

You know Dork, you aren't the only person who's undergone surgery recently, but you are certainly another example of the self-centred, and self-righteous dickhead who helped prolong this pandemic. I suspect that you were one of those who sat at home on your fat arris claiming money off the government whilst some of us went to work every day and saw first hand the selfishness and downright stupidity of a small percentage of people
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ISTR the anger was purely from the mask wearers & directed towards the non mask wearers.

I don't recall anyone not wearing a mask & being angry about it.


If you want to ignore all the media reports and footage (check out YT) of anti-mask folk going full tonto, you bash on and ignore them. Talk about blinkered ...
Why are we still discussing masks, has the forum gone back in time?
I was thinking the same.
Looks like there was another Brexit thread, so an anomalie in the space-time continuum is looking likely.
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I thought the idea was to get infected with Covid to give us natural immunity now that vaccination has broken the covid = death link?
I thought the idea was to get infected with Covid to give us natural immunity now that vaccination has broken the covid = death link?
It is now, unless you're one of the few people who hadn't caught it and couldn't have a vaccine. Then the plan is to pretend you don't exist.

Admittedly it's a small group of people but they did get a very raw deal. The various bits of incompetence along the way didn't help anyone either.
I thought the idea was to get infected with Covid to give us natural immunity now that vaccination has broken the covid = death link?
It is indirectly. It's called living with covid. The vaccines help break the death link pretty effectively but some will still die. it appears that the current virus helps as well. The NHS are reported as not being happy about the situation as they still need to keep it under control - masks.

The antibody survey shows ~45% have caught covid, It varies with regions, highest London ~54%, lowest SW ~33%

Vaccination ideas seem to have changed. 4th dose 75 and over. No signs of any for younger so far. There may be some risk associated with that due to effectiveness and time since last one. Death info isn't so defined as it was. More concentration on excess deaths. Probably a bit higher than normal. Covid about 1650 per week in week 15 falling to about 350 in week 21. It's not far off a straight line. As actual week of death the more recent ones may be updated later.

1st of June ~1 in 70 people were infected with covid. 75 in wales and NI.
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More concentration on excess deaths. Probably a bit higher than normal.
It is now, unless you're one of the few people who hadn't caught it and couldn't have a vaccine. Then the plan is to pretend you don't exist.

Admittedly it's a small group of people but they did get a very raw deal. The various bits of incompetence along the way didn't help anyone either.
They'd get an even raw(er) deal, if there was no economy, creating jobs, earning salaries, paying taxes.. to fund the NHS
They'd get an even raw(er) deal, if there was no economy, creating jobs, earning salaries, paying taxes.. to fund the NHS
And even worse if aliens had invaded and sucked out our brains. Which is of course just one of the inevitable results of any government other than the Tories being elected.

But of course ending all shielding support isn't related to either. People going through Cancer treatments whose immune system has been trashed often aren't aggressively seeking new roles.
I don't bother looking at info generated by people trying to justify an opinion I only look at the real data which has to be seasonally adjusted over the year to allow comparisons to be made. I also understand that techniques used to control covid also reduced deaths from other factors.

Anyway as I said may be higher,
Why don't you just do a simple google search on "why do surgeons wear masks" & stop bothering the rest of us with your shill nonsense.
Typical narrow minded bullshizzle from a seasoned liar.

Just in case you hadn't noticed but ALL healthcare workers (not just surgeons) wear masks whether that be dentists, nurses, practitioners etc. And it's the same reason we wore them to help prevent the spread of Covid, you ignorant dimwit.
I don’t know if it’s all hospItals, but as of 1st June 2022, it is no longer compulsory to wear a mask, even in critical care wards, you only have my word, but I was there on Saturday.
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