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I think the real cause of the upsurge in terrorism was the invasion of Iraq, an invasion too far. The Americans planned to win, then leave. Removing the Iraqi army leadership left a power vacuum, and civil war broke out. It was wilful incompetence. The Yanks just did't gibpve a toss about the people. And drew in terrorists. The Syrian and Libyan wars were started when the people rose up. Yes the Tories seem to have ballsed up over Libya.

I'm fairly certain the middle east would still be a ****-hole regardless of our shenanigans.

Too much corruption, religious tension, despotism.

Please shove your white liberal guilt up yer bum
If the middle east is such a ****hole why are people like Camoron so eager to get involved there.
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They did lose in 2010 as well.

There was a nice analogy on R4. Labour are like a restaurant who served egg and chips, and found that their customers did not like it. So they responded by serving double egg and chips. :ROFLMAO:

I've noticed that the shadow cabinet don't seem to know what their policies are. Early days I guess, but I bet Corbyn will turn out to be disorganised, making up policy on the hoof, and others having to say as one did this morning "I think what Jeremy means is that ... " rather than "Our policy is ... "
It all to do with arms deals. The Tories love a good war to sell arms. It's a Tory thing.
Camoron says that Corbyn is threat to national security and a danger to your family, it wasn't Corbyn who overseen the flooding of the country with record numbers of migrants,it wasn't Corbyn who bombed Libya and created a hotbed of terrorism so who is the real threat.

I think the real cause of the upsurge in terrorism was the invasion of Iraq, an invasion too far. The Americans planned to win, then leave. Removing the Iraqi army leadership left a power vacuum, and civil war broke out. It was wilful incompetence. The Yanks just did't gibpve a toss about the people. And drew in terrorists. The Syrian and Libyan wars were started when the people rose up. Yes the Tories seem to have ballsed up over Libya.
It goes back further than that. It all started when the first Gulf war wasn't properly finished. Just like Woodrow Wilson at the end of WW1, Bush pulled the plug too early. If the Allies had gone in and sorted it then - which is what most Iraqis wanted - the second Gulf war wouldn't have happened and things would now look quite different.

Yes and no. It is said that Bush minor wanted to finish off what Bush major failed to do, and nail Saddam. They could have left Saddam in place, he was contained, albeit brutal to some of his people. Had they gone in first time round, would it have been better? I can't say I know. I suppose realistically it could not have been any worse, so I reluctantly concede your point. :ROFLMAO:
They did lose in 2010 as well.

There was a nice analogy on R4. Labour are like a restaurant who served egg and chips, and found that their customers did not like it. So they responded by serving double egg and chips. :ROFLMAO:

I've noticed that the shadow cabinet don't seem to know what their policies are. Early days I guess, but I bet Corbyn will turn out to be disorganised, making up policy on the hoof, and others having to say as one did this morning "I think what Jeremy means is that ... " rather than "Our policy is ... "

Corbyn was reported to have made a habit of opposing his party in votes in the Commons.
How's he going to vote, now he's in charge?
How will the rest of the Labour Party vote?
There was a nice analogy on R4. Labour are like a restaurant who served egg and chips, and found that their customers did not like it. So they responded by serving double egg and chips. :ROFLMAO:
Typical BBC.

It was a restaurant whose few customers did not like egg and chips but now everyone can have whatever they want for the same price.

Seems good to me.
There was a nice analogy on R4. Labour are like a restaurant who served egg and chips, and found that their customers did not like it. So they responded by serving double egg and chips. :ROFLMAO:
Typical BBC.

It was a restaurant whose few customers did not like egg and chips but now everyone can have whatever they want for the same price.

Seems good to me.
Interesting point. As we all know, the BBC have for a long time been left wing. I wonder whether they will change their opinions now that a Marxist leads the party!
If he has no hope of being elected why does it bother you? Your Eton Boys that reward the rich and kick the poor will get back in again. Then again Eton Boy only got 25% of the available vote, so all those that couldn't vote for the Tories, or the Pseudo Tories known as New Labour, will now come out of the woodwork and vote - and there are a lot of them. The Tories fear Corbyn, that's obvious.
It would seem that the real powers that be have done what they always do when left wing politicians 'gain power'.

Order ridicule.

Last weeks Panorama (re: Corbyn) was far removed from the BBC's supposed impartiality.

Whether you like Corbyn or not, he was fairly elected under a system designed to prevent such an occurrence.

Much like Hamas. Now there's a thing.

Democracy should state that only desired outcomes will be accepted - if not, then we'll have another go.

Oh. It doesn't need to state that, does it? That's what happens.
It would seem that the real powers that be have done what they always do when left wing politicians 'gain power'.

Order ridicule.

Last weeks Panorama (re: Corbyn) was far removed from the BBC's supposed impartiality.

Whether you like Corbyn or not, he was fairly elected under a system designed to prevent such an occurrence.

Much like Hamas. Now there's a thing.

Democracy should state that only desired outcomes will be accepted - if not, then we'll have another go.

Oh. It doesn't need to state that, does it? That's what happens.

Time will determine whether you are right. I think not, but I might be proven wrong. However, it does seem to me that the left always claims a conspiracy against them when there is criticism. Note that significant figures on the left have laid into Corbyn, not just Blair and others of his ilk.

When Michael Foot came to power, he was surrounded by adoring crowds when out and about. However the country were against him. You don't get power by pleasing your supporters, but by appealing to a broad church. He was elected, but so was Ian Duncan Smith and look what happened then. My suspicion is that Corbyn will gain new party members, and friends, but these are the hard core activists, not the populace at large. That is what Blair understood. The Tories went through this so I suppose it is Labour's turn.
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