No one 'wants' to be on benefits!

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Gladly now retired and claiming what assholes say is a benefit but I paid in a hell of a lot of money over the years for my old age pension.

It is an entitlement, a scheme you/we pay into all of our working lives, for when we retire. It is not a 'benefit', it is decided on need, but on having made contributions. The alternative, would be to have paid into a private pension scheme.

It's probably unquantifiable tbh. I suppose my underlying point is, simply through applying some logic, it is nonsensical to say no one is happy to remain on benefits. When folk dare to suggest it e.g. on political tv progs etc, there will always be a counter argument of 'rubbish, no one would choose to be on benefits!' which is a stupid thing to assert, regardless of your views on the matter.

It can certainly be a lifestyle choice, just a matter of deciding what sort of lifestyle satisfies your needs. I suspect everyone gets a similar amount, enough to cover what are 'the basics of life' - if you set your lifestyle aiming point low, you can easily get by without a struggle. If you insist on the luxuries, expect to struggle more.
It is of course true there are some people who do not want to work.

Nobody disputes that

What we need to know is what % of people on benefits are lazy scroungers.

What is that %?
Why do you need to know that for?
The jam roll was 50 bob a week in 1962 - Joe Brown sang a song about it - the layabout's lament. ;)
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Now then now then,
should I complain that my Personal Independence Payment didn't go up as much as my pension? Most benefits only went up by 6.7%.
DIscrimination against the various classes of less fortunate, how terrible.
Should I send Jeeves to complain to my M.P.?
Minimum wage went up by 9.7% and pensions 8.5%.

So this is filthy Tory scum stealing money from the disabled and giving it instead to wealthy capitalist moneygrabbing pensioners like me.
Oh hang on, I'm disabled, it says so here.
Who am I?


Nobody should be able to choose to not work, if they want benefits.
Send them round recording potholes, or poo in rivers, or something.


On the other foot, I knew a mum of two, one disabled, who was really struggling. If she earned more than a pittance ( or worked more than some small number of hours) then she wouldn't get benefit, and she'd also have to find someone to look after the kids, so it didn't make sense.
(Those deemed to be "Carers" are still in that position, and it still doesn't make sense.)
Her husband of the mum was rather feeble, trying to be self employed, but not earning anything. So he got no benefit or income.
My own brother in law was on benefits when he met my sister and they both remained on it for many years, it's only since he drunk himself to death that she has got a job.
Even then they live in a large semi detached council house (albeit a rough estate) and probably still gets some benefits.

For some it's a way of life, they think why should they work when others will pay for them not to.
Fair do's they have less money than if they had a job but also have less to pay out if they get council support.
Whilst I have worked since I was 16, I was on family credit for many years, I often had to turn down a pay rise because it meant I would lose much much more in family credit & all the benefits that came with it.
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