Olympics closing ceremony

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Is that what we have to look forward to in 2016?

Deffo won't be watching that one. :(
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Only watched bits of it and the spice girls was bad enough years ago and now live....ffs wailing cats...and that Crap guy just making lots of noise...painful to the ears...that other idiot I think he was called muse what a noisy tit
Queen and Eric Idle were the only two I could relate to. FFS!
Thank f##k our sports people didnt have the defeatist isnt everything ****e attitude you bunch on here have or perhaps not if they where all as perfect as you lot surely they would have won more gold.

If any of you feel your cash has been wasted give me your address and i will send you the 50p a head that its cost you
Me and my extended family of 512 people didn't like it namsag. Please send your £256 to me via Western Onion or Monkeygram.
Name. JJ.
Question, Who didn't like the Olympics?
Answer, Me and my 511 mates, sorry, family.
Cheers. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Thank f##k our sports people didnt have the defeatist isnt everything s***te attitude you bunch on here have or perhaps not if they where all as perfect as you lot surely they would have won more gold.

The OP was about the closing ceremony. Not the events.

But it doesn't matter. As long as you're happy, that's the main thing. :LOL: :LOL:
The Who stole it! Great to see they can still do it.
As a former olympic skeptic and moaner about the cost and disruption I'm glad to say I was wrong, the games have been great.
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