One wonders why...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Given the current situation as regards the ''virus', could it be a coincidence that...

"In April 2020, the ‘Chief Scientific Advisor’ to the UK Government – Sir Patrick Vallance was placed in charge of the new ‘Vaccine Taskforce’. The aim of this taskforce was to “drive forward, expedite and co-ordinate efforts to research and then produce a coronavirus vaccine.”

In July 2020 the UK Government signed a contract with GlaxoSmithKline to secure 60 million doses of an untested, experimental “vaccine” treatment that was still being developed to combat SARS-CoV-2?

Sir Patrick, who has had huge influence in dictating the Government’s response to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, has over 43,111 shares in the company, worth over £600,000"...

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, Jonathan Van Tam, said that it was “perfectly possible” a “Covid” vaccine could be licensed for children by the end of the year. Stating that he believes “most of the major manufacturers are beginning to turn their attention “to licensing vaccines for under-18’s.

We’ve been repeatedly told that children are at little/no risk to the Covid-19 disease, so why on earth do we need to vaccinate them?

Van Tam joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1997 as an associate director at SmithKline Beecham. He then went on to become Head of Medical Affairs at Roche in April 2001, before joining Aventis Pasteur MSD in February 2002 as the UK medical director.

His advice was to roll out a mass vaccination programme to combat the H5N1 influenza virus, and that advice was followed. But guess who manufactured the H5N1 influenza vaccines and made billions of pounds? SmithKline Beecham and Roche, two pharmaceutical giants that Van Tam worked for."

Sir John Irving Bell who is a Canadian immunologist and geneticist had a role in the ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ alongside Sir Patrick, but there’s another role he held.

Sir John Irving Bell has worked as an adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care since 2017, and headed the ‘National Covid Testing Scientific Advisor Panel'. He also chaired the Government’s new test approvals group, which assesses virus diagnostic tests. One of the tests assessed and approved, back in May 2020, was an antibody test. The manufacturer of this antibody test being the pharmaceutical giant ‘Roche’.

Sir John Irving Bell has shares amounting to £773,000 in Roche"

There are also numerous politicians/family/friends who have received 'sweeteners' from various pharma companies...

Dot the i's and cross the t's ;)
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Hmm, but then GSK have pretty much abandoned their Covid 19 vaccine and their share price has gone down about 25% in the last year.
Given the current situation as regards the ''virus', could it be a coincidence that...

"In April 2020, the ‘Chief Scientific Advisor’ to the UK Government – Sir Patrick Vallance was placed in charge of the new ‘Vaccine Taskforce’. The aim of this taskforce was to “drive forward, expedite and co-ordinate efforts to research and then produce a coronavirus vaccine.”

In July 2020 the UK Government signed a contract with GlaxoSmithKline to secure 60 million doses of an untested, experimental “vaccine” treatment that was still being developed to combat SARS-CoV-2?

Sir Patrick, who has had huge influence in dictating the Government’s response to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, has over 43,111 shares in the company, worth over £600,000"...

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, Jonathan Van Tam, said that it was “perfectly possible” a “Covid” vaccine could be licensed for children by the end of the year. Stating that he believes “most of the major manufacturers are beginning to turn their attention “to licensing vaccines for under-18’s.

We’ve been repeatedly told that children are at little/no risk to the Covid-19 disease, so why on earth do we need to vaccinate them?

Van Tam joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1997 as an associate director at SmithKline Beecham. He then went on to become Head of Medical Affairs at Roche in April 2001, before joining Aventis Pasteur MSD in February 2002 as the UK medical director.

His advice was to roll out a mass vaccination programme to combat the H5N1 influenza virus, and that advice was followed. But guess who manufactured the H5N1 influenza vaccines and made billions of pounds? SmithKline Beecham and Roche, two pharmaceutical giants that Van Tam worked for."

Sir John Irving Bell who is a Canadian immunologist and geneticist had a role in the ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ alongside Sir Patrick, but there’s another role he held.

Sir John Irving Bell has worked as an adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care since 2017, and headed the ‘National Covid Testing Scientific Advisor Panel'. He also chaired the Government’s new test approvals group, which assesses virus diagnostic tests. One of the tests assessed and approved, back in May 2020, was an antibody test. The manufacturer of this antibody test being the pharmaceutical giant ‘Roche’.

Sir John Irving Bell has shares amounting to £773,000 in Roche"

There are also numerous politicians/family/friends who have received 'sweeteners' from various pharma companies...

Dot the i's and cross the t's ;)
Or to flip it on it's head, I would be very concerned if the governments highly qualified scientific and medical specialists with specific knowledge and experience of developing medicines and vaccines hadn't worked for pharmaceutical companies at some point in their earlier careers. If we want the best people advising our government we have to expect some of them to have had a successful careers outside of the civil service or NHS.

They've chosen to leave far more lucrative careers working for big pharma to work for the government.
I'd suggest that you stop investing in Gobshiite Ltd and buy shares in the pharma companies like Vallance and Tam. Then you wont be quite so envious of people better off than you.
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The government signed a contract with 45% of the population of the UK. Well maybe not that high, but they basically said, "Vaccine research and development is cost+ for everyone. Find one." In what pharmaverse was GCK not going to be involved?
Given the current situation as regards the ''virus', could it be a coincidence that...

"In April 2020, the ‘Chief Scientific Advisor’ to the UK Government – Sir Patrick Vallance was placed in charge of the new ‘Vaccine Taskforce’. The aim of this taskforce was to “drive forward, expedite and co-ordinate efforts to research and then produce a coronavirus vaccine.”

In July 2020 the UK Government signed a contract with GlaxoSmithKline to secure 60 million doses of an untested, experimental “vaccine” treatment that was still being developed to combat SARS-CoV-2?

Sir Patrick, who has had huge influence in dictating the Government’s response to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, has over 43,111 shares in the company, worth over £600,000"...

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, Jonathan Van Tam, said that it was “perfectly possible” a “Covid” vaccine could be licensed for children by the end of the year. Stating that he believes “most of the major manufacturers are beginning to turn their attention “to licensing vaccines for under-18’s.

We’ve been repeatedly told that children are at little/no risk to the Covid-19 disease, so why on earth do we need to vaccinate them?

Van Tam joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1997 as an associate director at SmithKline Beecham. He then went on to become Head of Medical Affairs at Roche in April 2001, before joining Aventis Pasteur MSD in February 2002 as the UK medical director.

His advice was to roll out a mass vaccination programme to combat the H5N1 influenza virus, and that advice was followed. But guess who manufactured the H5N1 influenza vaccines and made billions of pounds? SmithKline Beecham and Roche, two pharmaceutical giants that Van Tam worked for."

Sir John Irving Bell who is a Canadian immunologist and geneticist had a role in the ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ alongside Sir Patrick, but there’s another role he held.

Sir John Irving Bell has worked as an adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care since 2017, and headed the ‘National Covid Testing Scientific Advisor Panel'. He also chaired the Government’s new test approvals group, which assesses virus diagnostic tests. One of the tests assessed and approved, back in May 2020, was an antibody test. The manufacturer of this antibody test being the pharmaceutical giant ‘Roche’.

Sir John Irving Bell has shares amounting to £773,000 in Roche"

There are also numerous politicians/family/friends who have received 'sweeteners' from various pharma companies...

Dot the i's and cross the t's ;)

Are you mad???
Don't you know that it's illegal to point out these facts???
You must not disclose these sorts of facts because people might start thinking.
Thinking that it's not just a coincidence but a selected few are making billions out of people's misery.
So shut up, muzzle up, queue outside the supermarket, follow the herd and never approach the NHS (pardon me, the NCS) unless you have been blessed by Lord Covid the Greatest, the One and Only God.
In You we Trust our Lord, The Omnipotent Covid and His Magnanimous Prophets... (Gates, Soros, etc.)
I think some people have lost the plot completely,judging by some of the posts on here of late, theres no hope for them,its like sitting next to the nutter on the bus as Jasper would say.
I was hoping that the people that the government put in charge of vaccination could have come from a totally unrelated background and knew **** all about medicine. :rolleyes:
I was hoping that the people that the government put in charge of vaccination could have come from a totally unrelated background and knew **** all about medicine. :rolleyes:
How about career politicians who know nothing about medicine? We could have put Ursula Von de Leyen in charge.....
What about a virologist without any holdings in the pharmaceutical industry?
What about a virologist without any holdings in the pharmaceutical industry?
Know of any? The likelihood is that if you're a virologist of any significant ability you've either worked in the pharmaceutical industry, a very limited state area like Porton Down or the NHS (in which case you'd be clinical rather than R&D anyway).

Bearing in mind that the people that leave big pharma to work for the state take a massive pay cut anyway, do you also want to force them to forfeit any share options or investments that they have?
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Know of any? The likelihood is that if you're a virologist of any significant ability you've either worked in the pharmaceutical industry, a very limited state area like Porton Down or the NHS (in which case you'd be clinical rather than R&D anyway).

Bearing in mind that the people that leave big pharma to work for the state take a massive pay cut anyway, do you also want to force them to forfeit any share options or investments that they have?
Yes, it's called conflict of interest.
Similarly, if I own a building company and then become a government official in charge of infrastructure, there would be a conflict of interest if I assigned any contract to my own company.
There are also numerous politicians/family/friends who have received 'sweeteners' from various pharma companies...

Dot the i's and cross the t's ;)
Oh no.....Conspiracy...Ellal has found the smoking gun.""numerous sweeteners""... Gulity Your Honour...Worldwide Covid scam to cover up World wide Vaccine Big Pharma Scam.
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