Patchy appearance of tomato leaves

15 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom

I've grown some tomatos from seed.

They are still in my kitchen overnight (no greenhouse or cold frame) and they go out during the day. Hoping to put them out 1st May when the danger of frost should hopefully have passed.

I've noticed some of the leaves look patchy in appearance. I've included a photograph. Can anyone suggest a cause?

They have recently been re-potted into 5-inch pots with compost containing jon innes 2.

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Thanks for any help!
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The leaves look fine from the photo :D
if you have just re potted may just be that the plant is in will recover from it.....
cant see anything on the list of stuff in the link above, so i dont think you have to worry just yet.....(there are a million and one things that can go wrong eventually with toms.....bugs, blight, aphids, spider mites white flies....the list is endless :( )

my tomato plant is still on the window sill too. :cool:
My guess it's "shock" as per post above. No matter how careful you are when repotting you will damage some roots. As a result the plant get quite enough water and you get slightly patchy leaves. It should work itself out in good time.

One tip I use for growing toms is to grow spring onions in a separate pot alongside them. It could just be coincidence, but I get loads less bugs as a result!! :D
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Also can grow basil, marigolds and oregano nearby, all helps withe the whole process. I would suggest a very weak solution of general purpose fertiliser to perk the plants up a bit.

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