Poo Explosion: a Christmas Treat

I think they need a diet of cardboard, rather than the microwave dinners, crisps, and takeaways they appear to be troughing on!
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Well, UU came and tried rodding it with 2 different sets to no avail.

So they jetted it, threw the CCTV down and there were lots of roots breaking through.

So they cut them off and explained it was up to their management how they wanted to deal with the situation: either sleeve the pipe or come back and unblock it as needed.

This am I got a call from UU saying they are going to sleeve it.
If there are roots in it then it's probably leaking. It need the sleeve to seal it and keep the roots out.

I bet they say it doesn't need it.
Here's my assistant and his first mini poofest

Urgh! That made me heave. Reminded me of a time when I was in Nice walking to a cafe for breakfast and saw a massive coned-off open manhole cover, much bigger than the UK ones. Being curious, I took a peek and it was brimming with French turds, condoms, jamrags, you name it, it was in there. I heaved all the way to the cafe - eyes streaming and everything. My mates who were with me ****ed themselves laughing and I still get reminded of it every now and again.
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It's strange how your own turds don't affect you, but other people's do ! I once undid the drain on a bathroom sink and had to pull out wads of the previous owner's long hair. That turned my stomach.