Priti Patel .....dark forces smear campaign

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yes, there certainly are some people who are obsessed with attacking people of different skin colour. I wonder who they are?

Diane Abacus ?

Ask Diane Abacus to work it out.

No, Diane Abacus

'Kin 'ell, something else to bash Diane Abacus with.

As Diane Abacus would say

2017 Diane Abacus

Where did Diane Abacus go to school ?

Diane Abacus

You could put Lenny Henry in a skirt & wig, stand him next to Diane Abacus , and you'd still do Lenny first.

? Surely you mean dyscalculic.

Or as Dianne Abacus

How much do you think the Labour Mayor of London (sadiq khan, remember him) has cost taxpayers ?

Why? Its not too far from the truth, Khan don't give a stuff about the deaths

Khan seems to have some spare cash

Soddin Khant is a waste of space

Khant wants to be the biggest spendthrift London has seen.
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While I’ve no opinion on her ability. Unless her contract states an hourly rate it’s unfair to divide the hours in the above way.

I’ve done deals for a %age of the claim which have required very little time but a lot of specialist knowledge.
that does not detract from the conflict of interest
This woman was sacked from Theresa Mays government for gross dishonesty.
She broke all the rules by having secret discussions with foreign politicians.
At one time the behaviour that resulted in Priti Patels sacking would have been the end of her career as a politician but not today.
you do seem to have a noticeable obsession with people of a different skin colour.
show me a few dozen of mine.

Blimey it would be end less

Blimey who don't you hate

Brexit voters
Non Labour voters
Any Labour Party member who does not support momentum
Jewish party members
Any one living in Surrey
Possibly turks?
White people

Tis :eek: tbh
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