Rail fares continue to rise whilst operators continue to get bailed out for £2bn

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Last week Chris Grayling allowed Virgin Stagecoach to end their franchise early and walk away from commitments to pay £2bn in the last few years of the contract.

This is the East Coast railway that was re-nationalised and in Public hands returned over £1bn to the treasury but was then re-privatised because of ideology.

The contract that was offered to STagecoach allowed them to have lower payments initially before they ramped up in the later years of the contract.

So more magic money tree money!

"Stagecoach would only forfeit a £232m bond, and pay relatively small premiums until 2019, rather than pay the bulk of the £3.3bn promised over the course of the eight-year franchise. The operator paid £204m in its first full year, but the annual amount was due to rise rapidly from £353m in 2020 to £645.4m in the final year."
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And Corbyn still won't be able to find a seat.


And Corbyn still won't be able to find a seat.



How does that address the point?

Where the government allows private operators to renege on their deals but forces local governments and health services to continue to pay for ridiculous PFU deals? Why doesn't the government help them break those deals?

Its sad that you cannot see past partisan politics and to the policies. You are not blind to the truth, you simply chose to ignore it. It's no wonder you will vote against your best interests.
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