Remembrance Sunday

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.

-- John McCrae

The above poem was written by a John McCrea, a Canadian military doctor.
It is believed that he stood in to conduct the burial service of a fallen friend at Ypres in 1915 and later that evening penned this poem.

This is from where the tradition of wearing the poppy in remembrance comes.

I was at the local service yesterday, those two minutes fill you with an increasing sadness but also overcome you with a sense of pride.

Lest We Forget, the brave and fallen.
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Yesterday was the 1st year i've missed paying my respects since 1986 as i was on a coach going up to Newcastle.
Every year for the past 10 years i've taken my son (now 11) to the local park where there is a war memorial with names of the fallen on each side of the memorial. Together (well, since he's been able to) we read every single name on each wall, then finish at the front in time for our 2 mins silence. We then lay our poppies down and leave.
He only asks a few questions; like did i go to war when i was a solider etc. I like to think he understands, he certainly shows enough repsect to hint that he does.
They're never too young to learn .....just too young to die! :(

Lest any of us EVER forget the sacrifice!
How Gordon Brown REALLY pays his respect to the mother of a fallen hero.[/QUOTE]I have to say that the way this woman has reacted to this letter of condolance has the typical sun newspaper journalism stamped all over it and if she has truely reacted that way then I can only say her mind isnt all there possibly because of her grief over her son's death? FFS she got a letter of condolance from the PM whether it was spelt wrong or not is irrelevant, If she has really complained then I think she's an ungrateful so and so.

And if truth hurts its her son that signed up to the army knowing he was putting his life at risk in doing so, his mother should have talked him out of it if she now blames the government over his death!
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I've not the report in the above link, but IIRC isn't Gordon Brown blind in one eye (hence the marker pen letter) AND dyslexic?

Surely sentiment over spelling should be considered here.
I dont really believe that this story is real in respect of all the facts, rather the usual despicable and low life reporting that the sun newspaper reporters are famous for.

What mother would use the death of her son to try to politicise what looks like a genuine mistake that doesnt make it insincere in any way, just to have a dig at GB.

I wouldnt be surprised if the tories are behind this and will try to blow this out of proportion again.

Hopefully GB is enough of a man to take the criticism, goodness knows he's taken some in recent times and add to the mountain out of a molehill that the sun reporters are trying to do and in so doing showing no respect.
I dont really believe that this story is real in respect of all the facts, rather the usual despicable and low life reporting that the sun newspaper reporters are famous for.

What mother would use the death of her son to try to politicise what looks like a genuine mistake that doesnt make it insincere in any way, to have a dig at GB.

I wouldnt be surprised if the tories are behind this and will try to blow this out of proportion again.

Hopefully GB is enough of a man to take the criticism, goodness knows he's taken some in recent times and add to the mountain out of a molehill that the sun reporters are doing and in so doing showing no respect.

Spot on Tim

Hear hear. I have never read something so agreable.

I always watch the service and make a point of standing up during the silence..but it baffles me why that silence cant be extanded to the TV and radio...surely they wont lose that much revenue from lost advertising.
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