Morning all,
I'm considering options for internal insulation to two outside facing walls in my bedroom (external option ruled out). The walls are solid 9inch bricks with external cement render. One wall has had its plaster removed to the brick face, while the other has had cement render / plaster skin applied in the last two years. We were thinking of attaching a breathable membrane to the wall (the brick exposed wall only), followed by a treated wood batons (100mm x 50mm) screwed to the walls which would be in filled with rockwool / celotex slabs(50mm or 75mm). The timber frame would be covered with a vapour barrier and then boarded up with plasterboard. This would create a 50mm gap between the rockwool / celotex slab and the plasterboard, would this act the same way as a gap between the solid wall and insulation which is normally suggested? An alternative is to use thermal phenolic laminate boards (50mm) over the timber frame instead of infilling between the timbers but at £40 a sheet (20 sheets), it’s too expensive. Would the two approaches give similar insulation performance?
I'm considering options for internal insulation to two outside facing walls in my bedroom (external option ruled out). The walls are solid 9inch bricks with external cement render. One wall has had its plaster removed to the brick face, while the other has had cement render / plaster skin applied in the last two years. We were thinking of attaching a breathable membrane to the wall (the brick exposed wall only), followed by a treated wood batons (100mm x 50mm) screwed to the walls which would be in filled with rockwool / celotex slabs(50mm or 75mm). The timber frame would be covered with a vapour barrier and then boarded up with plasterboard. This would create a 50mm gap between the rockwool / celotex slab and the plasterboard, would this act the same way as a gap between the solid wall and insulation which is normally suggested? An alternative is to use thermal phenolic laminate boards (50mm) over the timber frame instead of infilling between the timbers but at £40 a sheet (20 sheets), it’s too expensive. Would the two approaches give similar insulation performance?