Sonic Stage 4.2 how to set for stand alone player?

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
It has taken ages to install, first version was in German, but at last found an English version. I have a little HI-MD unit that's not a problem, it is that unit that connects to the Vista PC. First action is to change from HD-MD to NetMD once that is done the large stand alone player can record on the disk.

However some music on the PC just says converting for ever and a day and does not progress. Other music will transfer, but after transfer I can see all the track names but no sound.

Sure it is to do with settings, once recorder with the stand alone player I can then use the little unit to change names but as yet I have failed to make a playable disk direct from the PC. Not sure if they ever worked, it was not until my wife commented on how many blank disks she had and could do nothing with them I even looked at the massive boom box she has and tried it.

Found some of it, under Options, Transfer mode, under Net MD, need to select SP transfer mode. Also new imports will work, i.e. imported with Sonic Stage, but old music seems to fail even when in the same format.

In fact for my wife I was putting a worms life by crash test dummies and 4 out of 15 tracks caused Sonic Stage to crash, others worked A1, what ever it does to convert seems to be the problem.

I still can't work out why one MP3 will convert and another will not. File that works bit rate 320kbps one which fails bit rate 128kbps also tried one at 256kbps which seemed to work. As to sorting out what will and will not work using the bit rate that will not be easy, I have to open properties on each song. Hope there is an easy way? I did one song with Audacity just as a test and yes it worked. But what a long winded way to import a song.

Seems it is SonicStage 4.3.01 I had 3.something and decided to upgrade and down loaded SOASST-01198607-UN which turned out to be in German and I could not find original disk to go back, after a lot more hunting I found SS43_ULTIMATE this was in English and is again the whole program not just a link to a now non existence website. My USB connected unit is a MZ-RH918 which will take the high capacity disks Hi-MD but also allows me to down grade to Net MD my wife's boom box is a QVC which will only take the lower quality disks. She had it seems bought a whole load of disks which did not work but to get them to work all it required was for me to fit into my unit plug it in and swap from Hi-MD to Net MD and they worked.

However when she records with the QVC it is not connected to internet so there is no Grace Note to add all the names. Transferring form CD to disk was therefore better done with the PC. I had in years gone by only really used the Walkman to store data, never used for music so this was all new to me.

When I started this post I was really pulling my hair out, but as time went by I was slowly working it out, I know that once a post is answered no one tends to look at it so I have used edit. As I have worked out the problem I have added to the post. May as well leave this post in case it helps some one else.

And I still have a problem. In Vista the player shows and works, in Windows 10 it does not see the player at all. However tried again and it sees player/recorder with no disc in. With new disc sees as a Hi-Net disc and allowed transfer of music. When I tried to swap to Net MD it came up with the normal warning about all data being deleted but then lost contact with the disc player/recorder. Remove disc and it finds it again put it back in and it sees it as an empty Hi-Net disc again. It just refuses to see it as a NET MD disc. All works fine with Vista.
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