Storage Issues Win 11

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
On my win 11 laptop my ssd is 118gb, if I add up all the various bits using storage, it comes to 30gb, the system only shows me that I have 8gb left.
What is using up the rest. I have looked at my backups they are taking 1.76gb.
I have tried all the related things on Google, no joy.
I'm not having any issues with the laptop, just interested.

Any suggestions, I have already considered a clean install, but as its running ok, thought not.
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Have you selected show hidden files when you view storage size?
That is why you should do a clean install every so often, I do my computers every 3 or 4 months or so. Yes it's a pain in the ass but when you delete a file windows only deletes the header and the rest of the file is left behind until that part of the hard drive (both mechanical and electronic ) is written over. Ideally you should be saving personal files on a separate drive, not a partition on your C: drive. You can do a full clean install and still keep your personal files and I don't mean the windows way. Your files are stored in various folders in C://users/computer name/file folders. I just copy those on to a big memory stick or another hard drive and once I have done the clean install, which incidently will get rid of viri as well. I just copy them back.
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